LRT610-1092 發表於 2018-6-21 16:39


1. 洋務運動前期和後期的宗旨分別是什麼?
2. There are 20 questions in a test. 3 marks are given for each correct answer and 1 mark is deducted for each incorrect answer. If I got at most 52 marks, find the maximum number of questions I answered correctly.
3. 請把「春天天氣溫暖。」及「春天非常潮濕。」改成轉折複句。
4. If an asset increases by $100, what is the change of another asset?
A) Increases by $100   B) Decreases by $100    C) Remains unchanged    D) Zero balance
5. Find the distance between (29,0) and (5,10).
6. What is the meaning of 'The answer is blowing in the wind' in Bob Dylan's song Blowing in the wind?
7. A copper block is heated by a heater. The mass of the copper block is 1.5 kg and the temperature increases from 25 to 380 degrees Celsius. Given that the specific heat capacity of copper is 385 J kg^-1, find the energy absorbed by the copper block.

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