

(B0)香港巴士車務及車廂設備 (B1)香港巴士廣告消息/廣告車行踪 (B2)香港巴士討論 [熱門] [精華] (B3)巴士攝影作品貼圖區 [熱門] [精華] (B3i)即拍即貼 -手機相&翻拍Mon相 (B4)兩岸三地巴士討論 [精華] (B5)外地巴士討論 [精華]


(B6)旅遊巴士及過境巴士 [精華] (B7)巴士特別所見 (B11)巴士精華區 (B22)巴士迷吹水區   (V)私家車,商用車,政府及特種車輛 [精華]
(A6)相片及短片分享/攝影技術 (A10)香港地方討論 [精華] (A11)消費著數及飲食資訊 (A16)建築物機電裝置及設備 (A19)問路專區 (N)其他討論題目  
(F1)交通路線建議 (C2)航空 [精華] (C3)海上交通及船隻 [精華] (D1)公共交通有關商品 [精華]   (Y)hkitalk.net會員福利部 (Z)站務資源中心
(R1)香港鐵路 [精華] (R2)香港電車 [精華] (R3)港外鐵路 [精華]   (O1)omsi討論區 (O2)omsi下載區 (O3)omsi教學及求助區
(M1)小型巴士綜合討論 (M2)小型巴士多媒體分享區 (M3)香港小型巴士字軌表        

Advertisement 香港交通資訊網»論壇 (B) Bus 巴士討論區 外地巴士討論 (B5)
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外地巴士討論 (B5) 今日: 0|主題: 10172|排名: 12 

版主: admin305, admin77


作者 回復/查看 最後發表
星國All back男 S315E 2015-12-31 00:16 02279 S315E 2015-12-31 00:16
PRIMUS CNG hybird bus basiling 2015-12-29 12:09 22131 starwise 2015-12-30 08:43
[問]英國巴士數問 plusho 2015-12-11 06:04 62337 ML29 2015-12-29 21:50
[UK] (多圖)(第一季最後一集)闖盪英國-無憾 agree city_alexander 2015-12-26 23:19 25321 亞空 2015-12-27 12:45
新加坡熟悉的老人—富豪奧林比安 attach_img agree S315E 2015-12-20 01:12 75973 TankKingEH9697 2015-12-24 02:45
亞洲Scania天下 PKD32 2015-12-10 01:03 44463 TankKingEH9697 2015-12-24 02:44
[日本] 京都駅夜攝 attach_img nwfb1001 2015-12-22 13:13 03180 nwfb1001 2015-12-22 13:13
[London, UK] (9/12/2015) 159線Routemaster Last Day十週年紀念 [18Pic+2Vid] agree EN1504-201 2015-12-18 07:12 13548 ML29 2015-12-20 11:12
[MY] 馬六甲MCW,新電動巴士近況 SBS9827Z 2015-12-19 13:56 33395 S3N92 2015-12-20 09:51
[SG] A Bulim Carnival Day agree  ...2 SBS9827Z 2015-12-7 00:14 106838 Mandurah__Line 2015-12-19 07:19
[Merseyside, UK] NWVRT Nocturnal Running Day (26 Pic + 4 Vid) agree EN1504-201 2015-12-5 10:03 64348 EN1504-201 2015-12-17 07:58
吉隆坡巴士 S315E 2015-12-14 00:00 33914 Chi_Hang 2015-12-16 22:34
[Glasgow, UK] MMCs @ First Glasgow D201@EAL 2015-12-14 02:10 02796 D201@EAL 2015-12-14 02:10
倫敦一日遊幾問  ...2 yip 2015-11-20 14:06 156637 EN1504-201 2015-12-13 02:27
[Grays, UK] (5/12/2015) Ensignbus Running Day 2015 [20Pic + 2Vid] agree EN1504-201 2015-12-12 10:00 02627 EN1504-201 2015-12-12 10:00
[UK] 闖盪英國-美麗的誤會(多圖) agree city_alexander 2015-12-11 23:30 03969 city_alexander 2015-12-11 23:30
尋新加坡巴士 KT5549 2015-12-11 21:58 02931 KT5549 2015-12-11 21:58
吉隆坡客車 S315E 2015-12-11 19:15 12728 LV1012 2015-12-11 19:52
[London, UK] (7/12/2015) ADL Enviro400H City首航Arriva 78號線 agree EN1504-201 2015-12-8 10:50 13951 cruisesnet 2015-12-8 12:37
[轉載] ADL E400City 出街試車 agree S315E 2015-11-26 00:01 46690 3ASV3-JE1672 2015-12-6 19:38
[Pyongyang, North Korea] Bus Photos attach_img agree hkskyline 2015-11-15 12:05 76901 BHSE 2015-11-29 19:17
[日本近江八幡市]近江鐵道巴士 agree matchnacu 2015-11-19 08:37 12877 BHSE 2015-11-29 15:12
[Adelaide] MAN SG280H attach_img FR5671 2015-11-22 16:27 12574 nwfb1001 2015-11-27 15:41
新加坡新巴士營運模式之第二標段(樟宜、榜鵝)結果 agree S315E 2015-11-23 17:57 13276 mak5052 2015-11-23 18:53
[Manchester, UK] 3架E400 MMC 3個批次 3種配設 HX1961 2015-11-23 06:39 02732 HX1961 2015-11-23 06:39
[UK] [Oxford,UK]英國雙層豪華客車:OxfordTube(連內籠設施相片共8張) attach_img fp8329 2015-11-18 22:54 36223 FR5671 2015-11-22 16:23
[Manchester, UK] Farewell to the B10M agree D201@EAL 2015-11-22 09:02 01751 D201@EAL 2015-11-22 09:02
[UK] [Edinburgh, UK] 老當益壯的Routemaster attach_img fp8329 2015-11-20 23:57 03132 fp8329 2015-11-20 23:57
[South Yorkshire, UK] X78新兵正式上陣 agree D201@EAL 2015-11-14 08:07 02813 D201@EAL 2015-11-14 08:07
[UK] [Sheffield, UK] Sheffield Interchange attach_img fp8329 2015-11-13 23:48 02881 fp8329 2015-11-13 23:48
[UK] 闖盪英國-濃霧(多圖) city_alexander 2015-11-13 20:47 02636 city_alexander 2015-11-13 20:47
[UK] [Scotland,UK] The Scottish Vintage Bus Museum (附LV36相片) attach_img digest fp8329 2015-11-12 22:41 15529 y1642004 2015-11-13 18:13
[South Yorkshire, UK] Bright Bus 現役舊香港巴士合集 attach_img D201@EAL 2015-11-8 20:28 43505 S3N92 2015-11-13 10:37
[NZ] 奧克蘭首架 Enviro500mmc 廠外攝 attach_img agree KY5393 2015-11-9 12:37 13923 kyuaass 2015-11-12 11:24
[ADL] Volvo B5RH Hybrid attach_img FR5671 2015-11-7 15:04 02560 FR5671 2015-11-7 15:04
[Leeds,UK] Leader Of The Way In Fuel Efficiency @ Leeds agree D201@EAL 2015-11-5 23:09 11896 sutrak 2015-11-6 10:03
[SG] SBS Transit 新一哥登場 agree SBS9827Z 2015-8-17 21:06 56621 反緋聞報導 2015-11-5 19:34
[Wythall, UK] "Fleetline 55" Running Day (多圖、影片) agree EN1504-201 2015-10-17 23:31 97703 反緋聞報導 2015-11-5 13:00
ADL獲墨西哥城BRT合約,供應 Enviro 500 Hongkonger 2015-11-1 21:00 12665 bb74c88 2015-11-2 00:37
[UK] 闖盪英國-城牆(多相) city_alexander 2015-10-29 23:57 23123 ktw1391 2015-11-1 09:55
[NI, UK] 走過烽火大地+在那遙遠的地方 attach_img y1642004 2015-10-30 14:19 22976 y1642004 2015-10-30 15:48
[NI, UK]尋找Wrightbus廠房之旅 attach_img agree AD156 2015-10-23 13:42 34378 AD156 2015-10-29 09:35
[Washington DC, US] 巧遇老朋友 - BigBus ex-KMB S3BL (#3 已加相) agree S3BL100 2015-10-27 02:34 34037 S3BL100 2015-10-28 10:17
[London, UK] 銀藍色都城@Romford Running Day (多圖、影片) EN1504-201 2015-10-28 08:55 02488 EN1504-201 2015-10-28 08:55
[問題] 買係外地嘅香港退役巴士問題 hk9611 2015-10-27 22:15 01993 hk9611 2015-10-27 22:15
[SYD] 快將取消的Sydney CBD Shuttle + 快將重組的巴士系列 969 2015-8-17 22:13 12640 peterkl 2015-10-27 21:01
[UK] [York, UK] Park & Ride attach_img fp8329 2015-10-26 23:00 01874 fp8329 2015-10-26 23:00
[Manchester, UK] Museum of Transport running day (多圖) attach_img AD156 2015-10-26 15:00 01981 AD156 2015-10-26 15:00
Rapid KL一部ADL Enviro500 MMC雙層巴士撞隧道頂 attach_img 2015-10-25 22:12 02853 2015-10-25 22:12
比亞迪參與製造英國純電動大巴 AVD1 2015-10-22 15:12 32688 hkaiw 2015-10-25 20:06
[UK] [Ipswich, UK] East Lancs bodied Darts attach_img fp8329 2015-10-25 00:08 01932 fp8329 2015-10-25 00:08
[南韓首爾Seoul, Korea] 九巴S3BL1也要真普選及Bristol VRT agree blueblue 2015-1-2 18:07 25875 EN1504-201 2015-10-23 18:56
[Brisbane] 找尋Volvo B5RH Hybrid之旅 [多相] agree 亞空 2015-7-21 00:46 1611783 allen_814 2015-10-23 00:00
[UK] [YORK,UK] Park & Ride attach_img fp8329 2015-10-22 01:03 02766 fp8329 2015-10-22 01:03
[Brisbane] 最後一個月起澳洲的閒攝 [多相] 亞空 2015-10-21 22:27 01701 亞空 2015-10-21 22:27
[UK] [Manchester, UK] Magic Bus attach_img fp8329 2015-10-19 23:41 12416 HX1961 2015-10-20 01:37
[UK] 闖盪英國-情迷愛丁堡(多相) attach_img city_alexander 2015-10-14 23:25 13886 fp8329 2015-10-19 23:33
[SIN] Hello Kitty 暢遊新加坡 FX7611 2015-10-19 22:06 01794 FX7611 2015-10-19 22:06
[Germany] 德國柏林BVG試用北美左軚版Enviro500MMC Facelift(附內籠相,6pics) attach_img 2015-10-17 11:45 79690 PKD32 2015-10-19 17:32
[Edinburgh]Lothian Airlink(Volvo B5TL/Wright Gemini 3)附內籠相片[19 pics] attach_img 2015-10-11 19:24 44693 JZ3968 2015-10-18 11:49
[UK] [Leeds, UK] 咁多謝呀, 班客仲駛睇街景? attach_img fp8329 2015-10-16 20:00 03698 fp8329 2015-10-16 20:00
ADL進軍瑞士+推出3.9米高E500供加拿大巿場  ...2 2015-10-2 00:20 147808 小早川優 2015-10-15 08:19
[UK] [UK] Scottish Citylink (5 pics) attach_img fp8329 2015-10-14 20:30 02045 fp8329 2015-10-14 20:30
[Edinburgh] Lothian(Volvo 7900 Hybrid)附內籠及底盤相片[21 pics] attach_img agree 2015-10-13 21:58 03435 2015-10-13 21:58
[Edinburgh] Lothian(Volvo B5LH/Wright Gemini 3)附內籠相片[18 pics] attach_img 2015-10-11 19:38 33445 K.C.R2007 2015-10-13 14:02
[Kent, UK]粉紅色的利蘭 EN1504-201 2015-10-12 04:25 42247 Hongkonger 2015-10-13 13:39
[UK] [Oxford,UK] Thames Travel (5 pics) attach_img fp8329 2015-10-12 23:03 02000 fp8329 2015-10-12 23:03
[NZ] 奧克蘭 Howick & Eastern Enviro200 attach_img agree KY5393 2015-10-2 19:59 13231 kyuaass 2015-10-11 19:22
[UK] This is China agree HV7025 2015-9-26 23:56 46084 kyuaass 2015-10-11 19:19
[日本] 和歌山縣市巴士 attach_img S315E 2015-10-9 23:11 12567 SPkent 2015-10-11 17:43
[日本]兩塊大銀幕 attach_img S315E 2015-10-2 03:52 52649 cn2661_2d32 2015-10-6 23:07
[英國] SHOWBUS 2015 attachment agree FBI2 2015-9-27 17:14 32987 FBI2 2015-10-6 12:49
SMRT SMB5006L RT.190 New Bridge Road --- Choa Chu Kang 細路荃 2015-10-3 11:38 12003 TankKingEH9697 2015-10-6 07:32
ADL Enviro400HCity 連內籠相片共11張 attach_img 2015-10-1 22:35 33998 singsinghui 2015-10-6 00:56
[UK] [Liverpool, UK] CityExplorer VS CitySightseeing attach_img fp8329 2015-10-5 22:00 11909 HX1961 2015-10-5 23:15
[UK] [Cambridge, UK] 劍橋巿的巴士 attach_img fp8329 2015-10-3 23:33 12158 HV7025 2015-10-4 21:02
[多圖]ADL ENVIRO400H City內外全面睇 agree oxball 2015-10-3 00:04 53596 Chi_Hang 2015-10-4 20:43
[UK] [UK] Barry Bus museum (前九巴A165的家) attach_img digest fp8329 2015-10-4 13:21 04987 fp8329 2015-10-4 13:21
[UK] 闖盪英國-路過(多相) 新人帖 city_alexander 2015-10-1 23:51 02787 city_alexander 2015-10-1 23:51
英國伯明翰 Coach and bus 2015 會場情況 attach_img 2015-9-30 18:47 13422 wrightap 2015-10-1 01:23
想問SBS 8002T (B5RLE Hybrid) 服務時間 sutrak 2015-7-4 13:07 22308 da54 2015-9-29 17:32
[日本,奈良] 奈良市營巴士 attachment agree S315E 2015-9-22 18:42 65939 S315E 2015-9-28 18:34
NGT48 attachment kokchun 2015-9-26 22:29 32048 K.C.R2007 2015-9-27 19:16
[UK] 遲來的showbus (多圖) HX1961 2015-9-27 18:15 02118 HX1961 2015-9-27 18:15
[17 直播] 新加坡巴士遊 sutrak 2015-9-27 14:21 01975 sutrak 2015-9-27 14:21
[UK] [Helbeath, Scotland, UK] 城際(三軸單層)巴士 attachment fp8329 2015-9-14 23:50 12903 強國人 2015-9-27 07:27
徵全球首部特低地台雙層巴士圖片 EU5472 2015-9-21 06:14 53304 8166NL 2015-9-25 14:46
(新加坡)新巴士營運模式第二標段已截標,十間公司入標 mak5052 2015-8-20 18:22 23318 Mandurah__Line 2015-9-24 20:30
[UK] 闖盪英國-重生天地[多圖](加Volvo B7LT) agree city_alexander 2015-9-17 19:12 710885 sutrak 2015-9-24 10:28
今天在日本晴海碼頭的巴士展示 agree Chi_Hang 2015-9-13 00:01 32776 Chi_Hang 2015-9-22 08:45
[CAN]Strathcona County Transit ADL E500(多圖) - [閱讀權限 10] ...2 kmb3asv141 2015-9-13 14:40 12702 sea1986 2015-9-21 23:57
[UK] [Reading]被First放棄的Service 90 attachment fp8329 2015-9-12 23:41 22865 PKD32 2015-9-21 00:42
[UK] [Glasgow, UK] McGill's buses attachment fp8329 2015-9-15 23:54 22476 GW5498 2015-9-20 20:46
[London, UK] Leyland Titan 試乘 (附車廂相片) attachment 2015-9-20 00:16 02112 2015-9-20 00:16
[London, UK] Willesden bus garage openday (即日相) attachment 2015-9-19 23:58 11782 2015-9-20 00:06
[UK] [Rotterham, UK] 巿內及巴士站數攝 attachment fp8329 2015-9-18 00:36 02244 fp8329 2015-9-18 00:36
[UK] [Newcastle, UK] Metrocentre數攝 attachment fp8329 2015-9-18 00:31 01796 fp8329 2015-9-18 00:31
[UK] [Oxford, UK] FREE Vintage Bus Service attachment fp8329 2015-9-13 22:49 02280 fp8329 2015-9-13 22:49
[日本] 東京雜攝 (II) attachment nwfb1001 2015-9-13 21:36 02151 nwfb1001 2015-9-13 21:36
[日本] 東京雜攝 (I) attachment nwfb1001 2015-9-13 21:28 02147 nwfb1001 2015-9-13 21:28
[SIN] "掃(Causeway Link)黃(巴士)" 行動 HE423 2015-9-12 19:08 24699 SBS9827Z 2015-9-13 01:32
[日本] 国際興業バス attachment nwfb1001 2015-9-12 21:23 02255 nwfb1001 2015-9-12 21:23
[UK] [Oxford, UK] Brookesbus attachment fp8329 2015-9-11 23:11 12140 neosan 2015-9-12 11:01
[UK] 在[Rotherham, UK]遇上強國製的低地台巴士 attachment  ...2 fp8329 2015-6-2 22:23 137866 ML29 2015-9-11 13:49
[UK] 闖盪英國-Rail Replacement(多相) agree city_alexander 2015-5-17 23:25 35761 busfunfun 2015-9-9 09:11
[SIN] 前新捷運申龍混合動力巴士 (前SBS8001X, 現PC3847Z) attachment HE423 2015-8-29 19:09 83639 otakutamama 2015-9-9 08:01
[Los Alamos, NM, US] NewFlyer MiDi (= E200 Dart) (#2已加相) agree S3BL100 2015-9-3 13:05 34784 PKD32 2015-9-7 00:51
[SIN] 我地都有個985 attachment HE423 2015-8-22 18:35 32910 fp8329 2015-9-7 00:31
[UK] 闖盪英國-海鷗(多圖+有片) attachment agree city_alexander 2015-9-4 23:06 24076 fp8329 2015-9-7 00:29
[SYD] MetroBus系列 + AEC Routemaster 969 2015-9-1 13:59 12284 peterkl 2015-9-6 15:27
[SIN] Volgren Volvo attachment HE423 2015-9-3 14:25 12179 fp8329 2015-9-6 14:59
[UK] 闖盪英國-尋找機場巴士[多圖] attachment agree  ...2 city_alexander 2015-8-12 22:31 117125 n266 2015-9-5 22:12
宇通巴士進軍倫敦 attachment unobus 2015-8-28 18:05 94518 PKD32 2015-9-4 21:46
(轉載) 新加坡 SMRT 巴士部增購 MAN A95 mak5052 2015-9-3 15:07 23181 mak5052 2015-9-3 18:17
[Sante Fe, NM, US] Sante Fe Trails S3BL100 2015-9-3 12:53 02002 S3BL100 2015-9-3 12:53
[NZ] 奧克蘭 最新雙層巴士 K320UD (27/7 5#加入更多相片)+ 順豐Man attachment agree  ...2 KY5393 2015-7-24 17:28 158857 iczer3 2015-9-2 15:32
[UK] 闖盪英國-被遺忘的利蘭(多圖) agree city_alexander 2015-8-31 19:17 04601 city_alexander 2015-8-31 19:17
[SIN] 新舊交接 HE423 2015-8-29 18:39 11850 Chi_Hang 2015-8-30 12:38
[Melbourne, AUS] 西南郊區Werribee巴士 + 墨爾本雙層巴士 agree  ...2 HE423 2015-7-18 20:47 167428 CTB626-HE8132 2015-8-26 20:00
[IT] 短如香港的士 - 佛羅倫斯穿巷巴士 tamaidan 2015-8-24 21:09 22480 peterpan 2015-8-25 13:32
[GB] 倫敦半日遊 (共22張相) tamaidan 2015-8-24 21:50 02463 tamaidan 2015-8-24 21:50
[UK] 闖盪英國-特別的色彩(多圖) agree city_alexander 2015-8-20 21:33 54075 K.C.R2007 2015-8-23 23:26
[JP] 最喜愛的老三菱‧沖繩巴士 M●B 2015-8-21 21:31 42551 S3BL343@66 2015-8-23 00:11
[London, UK]因為中國的__ __ __,搞到佢地就快無得留低 attachment fp8329 2015-8-1 22:34 63856 ML29 2015-8-22 21:24
[日本]富士山一帶的巴士 (箱根市及富士急田市) DC5 2015-8-19 22:53 01935 DC5 2015-8-19 22:53
[日本] HATO BUS attachment agree nwfb1001 2015-8-16 18:16 01896 nwfb1001 2015-8-16 18:16
[日本] 横浜駅 attachment nwfb1001 2015-8-14 15:58 62636 K.C.R2007 2015-8-16 15:38
[SWISS] 琉森巴士(多相) tamaidan 2015-8-14 15:26 52413 HV9990 2015-8-16 02:03
[SYD] 試坐澳洲製造既CDI ~ 澳洲之旅Part1 969 2015-8-13 21:23 02596 969 2015-8-13 21:23
[Singapore] [SG] Volvo B9L 登陸 NUS + 雜攝 SBS9827Z 2015-8-6 19:28 34459 3357。KS8450 2015-8-10 10:16
[SIN] 誰會珍惜當你還擁有 attachment HE423 2015-7-21 19:49 93537 HE423 2015-8-10 09:32
[UK] 闖盪英國-尋找活字典[多圖] agree city_alexander 2015-8-5 19:23 05493 city_alexander 2015-8-5 19:23
[日本] 東京夜攝 attachment agree nwfb1001 2015-8-4 22:56 02240 nwfb1001 2015-8-4 22:56
[london,uk] go ahead irizar i2e & e400mmc b5LH attachment agree wrightap 2015-7-19 10:33 36494 Mandurah__Line 2015-8-4 20:55
[SIN] 假日限定掛接 HE423 2015-8-2 16:33 02100 HE423 2015-8-2 16:33
[SIN] 孖壹頭兄弟, 後港高文十一載 attachment HE423 2015-8-1 23:51 12204 fp8329 2015-8-2 00:13
[UK] [UK] First Leeds attach_img fp8329 2015-8-1 23:01 02773 fp8329 2015-8-1 23:01
[SIN] 路過義順影掛接 attachment agree HE423 2015-7-18 20:34 12523 fp8329 2015-8-1 22:13
SG50:our people behind service excellence attachment  ...2 S3N92 2015-7-13 12:01 123656 S3N92 2015-7-31 22:53
[London, UK]路線507, 521將會全數改用純電動巴士  ...2 GW5498 2015-7-15 20:48 125472 hellomato 2015-7-31 22:36
馬來制與英制DENNIS attachment S3N92 2015-7-22 19:18 43260 sutrak 2015-7-31 11:45
[日本]珍貴影像 - 戰後五六十年代的日本巴士 K.C.R2007 2015-7-26 18:13 02492 K.C.R2007 2015-7-26 18:13
[UK] [Leeds, UK] 外國的64特別圓 attachment fp8329 2015-6-6 23:07 12785 paul2357paul 2015-7-26 03:13
[SIN] Spot Me Red Dot agree HE423 2015-7-25 21:19 01757 HE423 2015-7-25 21:19
[日本] 西東京バス attachment agree nwfb1001 2015-7-24 23:15 13019 K.C.R2007 2015-7-25 15:40
[RU] Vladivostok man lion's city attachment ma99kn90 2015-7-25 01:27 01885 ma99kn90 2015-7-25 01:27
[London]Afternoon Tea Bus Tour - 於Routemaster內享用下午茶 attachment agree 240SX 2015-7-20 22:32 63618 K.C.R2007 2015-7-23 16:49
[Sydney+Brisbane] City Explorer [多相] agree 亞空 2015-7-20 21:54 23198 nwfb1001 2015-7-21 09:31
[Brisbane] 平平無奇的劣相 agree 亞空 2015-7-12 18:13 32722 S315E 2015-7-19 10:29
[UK] [UK] First Great Yarmouth attachment fp8329 2015-7-15 00:47 22293 GW5498 2015-7-18 20:23
[日本東北] JR大船渡線BRT attachment agree  ...2 nwfb1001 2015-7-9 22:20 159474 nwfb1001 2015-7-14 12:43
[UK] 闖盪英國-倫敦的新與舊(多相) agree city_alexander 2015-7-13 00:15 05548 city_alexander 2015-7-13 00:15
[Canberra] ACTION Scania K360UA & K320UB Custom Coaches CB80 attachment agree kmb3asv3 2015-7-11 20:55 53253 GW5498 2015-7-12 16:42
問關於日前London Underground replacement bus 89B 2015-7-11 16:48 21824 wrightap 2015-7-12 08:26
[UK] [Norwich, UK] Norfolk Green attach_img fp8329 2015-7-11 23:07 02680 fp8329 2015-7-11 23:07
[NZ] Auckland Scania K320UD 雙層 連車廂照 + 其他雜攝 attachment agree KY5393 2015-7-10 22:05 14974 kyuaass 2015-7-11 11:05
[轉載] [NZ] 奧克蘭首架 Enviro500mmc 相片曝光 KY5393 2015-7-9 21:39 02512 KY5393 2015-7-9 21:39
[UK] [Fife, UK] 三軸單層 Scania K270UB6 attachment fp8329 2015-7-5 00:50 12913 1320 2015-7-9 11:55
[Leeds & York, UK] Coastliner 840 & 843 attachment fp8329 2015-7-8 22:52 01892 fp8329 2015-7-8 22:52
[日本] 仙台駅 attachment nwfb1001 2015-7-7 23:03 12350 fp8329 2015-7-8 22:48
[UK] [UK] Norwich Park & Ride (601-606) attach_img fp8329 2015-7-8 22:15 03221 fp8329 2015-7-8 22:15
LONDON:A day to remember attachment S3N92 2015-7-7 18:40 01823 S3N92 2015-7-7 18:40
東京及橫濱市買少見少的布牌車 DC5 2015-7-6 22:40 02052 DC5 2015-7-6 22:40
(UK) BYD雙層將殺入倫敦 agree ML29 2015-7-1 23:52 63764 AVD1 2015-7-6 16:06
兩架富豪樣版齊齊行同一條線 S3N92 2015-7-5 19:56 02165 S3N92 2015-7-5 19:56
[日本] 仙台市營 attachment agree nwfb1001 2015-7-3 22:55 12960 fp8329 2015-7-5 00:04
[泰國]前SBS M. Benz O405 attachment agree ksmbh 2015-6-7 17:17 55759 KG1428 2015-7-4 22:25
[UK] [UK] First Ipswich Garage attachment fp8329 2015-7-2 22:42 01974 fp8329 2015-7-2 22:42
[UK] [Edinburgh, UK] 越來越難見的Lothian舊色 attachment fp8329 2015-7-2 22:37 02043 fp8329 2015-7-2 22:37
日本之行(東京巴士篇) DC5 2015-7-2 22:09 03183 DC5 2015-7-2 22:09
[Las Vegas, NV, US] 即日劣攝 agree S3BL100 2015-6-30 14:59 74398 AV385 2015-7-2 10:36
[UK] [York, UK] First York attachment agree fp8329 2015-6-28 16:23 62895 dongfeng 2015-7-1 21:15
[UK] 闖盪英國-Aviemore(多相) city_alexander 2015-6-29 00:37 02829 city_alexander 2015-6-29 00:37
[UK] [UK] Reading buses attachment fp8329 2015-6-28 16:02 02133 fp8329 2015-6-28 16:02
[AUS/VIC]禍根B9最新動態及In & Out agree CTB626-HE8132 2015-5-29 19:25 44931 Busways 2015-6-28 12:12
[日本] 國鐵色JR巴士 attachment nwfb1001 2015-6-25 23:40 02755 nwfb1001 2015-6-25 23:40
[Male, Maldives] 馬爾代夫都有VOLVO巴士 pstommy 2015-6-7 17:35 53802 smal 2015-6-24 00:51
[Portsmouth, UK] (7/6/2015) Southdown 100 Rally (30P) attachment agree EN1504-201 2015-6-21 03:57 23295 K.C.R2007 2015-6-23 22:02
[NI, UK]買少見少Leyland Leopard PV4394 2015-6-15 03:26 92837 gordon 2015-6-23 10:34
[轉載]NB4L改尾閘設計 Mandurah__Line 2015-6-18 23:20 32733 HV7025 2015-6-22 18:12
[JP]三菱新Aero star attachment agree  ...23 ksmbh 2015-5-10 11:53 229246 nwfb1001 2015-6-22 14:51
[Singapore] [Singapore] 此情不再系列:SMRT Dennis Lance attachment fp8329 2015-6-18 23:06 23574 HV9990 2015-6-21 05:31
[Singapore] [Singapore] 此情不再系列:SMRT Scania L113CRL attachment fp8329 2015-6-17 21:43 22640 HV9990 2015-6-21 05:12
[西雅圖] 新版E500消息兩則 sea1986 2015-6-2 14:17 12663 sea1986 2015-6-20 22:46
[UK] [UK] MegabusGold臥舖巴士 乘後感 attachment digest fp8329 2015-6-14 13:23 97921 TankKingEH9697 2015-6-18 23:45
[轉載][SEA]Community Transit新E500MMC NA-spec FS1819 2015-6-18 22:15 02130 FS1819 2015-6-18 22:15
[UK] [UK] Yorkshire Tiger / 老虎家族 attachment agree fp8329 2015-6-16 22:20 02197 fp8329 2015-6-16 22:20
[Singapore] [Singapore] 此情不再系列:Benz O405 attachment fp8329 2015-6-16 22:09 02355 fp8329 2015-6-16 22:09
[泰國]各式私營巴士 attachment ksmbh 2015-6-15 23:16 13307 cn2661_2d32 2015-6-16 12:09
[Brisbane] 我想去個冇車阻既門位,QUT可唔可以帶我去 亞空 2015-6-14 11:55 11630 CTB626-HE8132 2015-6-14 19:14
[泰國]曼谷巴士 東莞風味 attachment ksmbh 2015-6-4 19:51 43620 ksmbh 2015-6-14 16:35
[Brisbane] 全澳最現代化車隊 agree 亞空 2015-6-3 15:53 32881 PKD32 2015-6-14 09:03
[UK] 闖盪英國-Glasgow(多相) attachment agree city_alexander 2015-6-8 00:16 54295 NV58 2015-6-13 17:43
[UK] [West of England, UK] Volvo B7TL & B9TL attachment fp8329 2015-6-10 22:56 02569 fp8329 2015-6-10 22:56
[JP] 北海道 巴士/旅遊客車 雜攝 attachment Marlboro 2015-6-9 18:21 22549 fp8329 2015-6-10 22:38
[UK] [Swindon, UK] Thamesdown的Scania家族 attachment fp8329 2015-6-10 20:46 01955 fp8329 2015-6-10 20:46
[UK] [Oxford, UK] Oxford Tube attachment agree fp8329 2015-6-7 15:53 02096 fp8329 2015-6-7 15:53
[SIN] 本年新春新加坡文禮MRT放工廠巴數攝 ac 2015-6-7 15:13 02908 ac 2015-6-7 15:13
[MY] 本年四月初馬來西亞馬六甲 Melaka Sentral 數攝 attachment ac 2015-6-7 02:00 12036 fp8329 2015-6-7 12:21
[UK] [Manchester, UK] 廠商品牌+型號=車牌 attachment fp8329 2015-6-4 22:21 23000 Mandurah__Line 2015-6-6 08:00
[UK] [Guildford, UK] 越來越稀有的Optare Excel attachment fp8329 2015-6-3 22:57 12335 EN1504-201 2015-6-6 07:02
[MY] 本年四月初吉隆坡Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS)數攝 ac 2015-6-5 18:23 02239 ac 2015-6-5 18:23
[Glasgow, Scotland] Glasgow退出ZeEUS計劃 GW5498 2015-4-20 19:14 83962 NV58 2015-6-4 04:05
[SIN] 影車地點、遊河及申請permit影巴士問題 attachment  ...2 CRH5 2015-5-16 09:06 144517 he3543 2015-6-3 22:46
[UK] [Reading, UK] railair attachment fp8329 2015-6-2 23:01 01845 fp8329 2015-6-2 23:01
[日本] 京成巴士 nwfb1001 2015-6-1 23:18 02077 nwfb1001 2015-6-1 23:18
[UK] [UK]當德製雙層巴士配上中共國簡體字@英國小鎮 attachment fp8329 2015-5-30 23:52 23202 sutrak 2015-6-1 09:55
[UK] [UK] Megabus & MegabusGOLD attachment fp8329 2015-5-30 23:59 32270 wrightap 2015-5-31 10:29
[JP]新車ISUZU ERGA KV234/HINO Blue Ribbon LV234 attachment ksmbh 2015-5-23 16:11 85610 GR614 2015-5-31 00:54
孟買 agree hkskyline 2015-5-18 20:53 45028 eric278 2015-5-28 16:48
[GR][CN] 2004 & 2014 Electroliner YANHOLUI 2015-5-27 19:50 02129 YANHOLUI 2015-5-27 19:50
[JP]買少見少的三門巴士 attachment ksmbh 2015-5-21 22:40 12597 nwfb1001 2015-5-26 10:07
[Japan] [Aomori, Japan] 青森巿民......(+可愛豬豬) attachment fp8329 2015-5-25 14:09 02041 fp8329 2015-5-25 14:09
[UK] [SUNderland, UK] 新特蘭巴士 attachment fp8329 2015-5-24 10:40 42442 Mandurah__Line 2015-5-25 08:49
[UK] [Newcastle, UK] 1913 Northern 2013 attachment fp8329 2015-5-25 00:53 11787 ksmbh 2015-5-25 01:10
[Brisbane] 花園城閒攝 亞空 2015-5-24 17:48 01488 亞空 2015-5-24 17:48
[日本] 錯層FUSO attachment barca_399 2015-5-24 16:49 02138 barca_399 2015-5-24 16:49
[Singapore] [SIN] EVA Air x Hello Kitty 全廣 attachment agree SBS9827Z 2015-5-24 00:23 02708 SBS9827Z 2015-5-24 00:23
[UK] [Ipswich, UK] Eastern Counties (heritage livery) 葉士域治復古色 attachment fp8329 2015-5-23 00:51 02358 fp8329 2015-5-23 00:51
[BKK] 電動巴士即將引入曼谷市 hkth 2015-5-22 16:41 22139 HV9990 2015-5-23 00:10
[Japan] [Aomori, Japan] 青森觀光 attachment fp8329 2015-5-22 23:10 01844 fp8329 2015-5-22 23:10
[Japan] [Tokyo, Japan] 東京巴士隨攝 attachment fp8329 2015-5-20 23:45 12203 nwfb1001 2015-5-21 09:21
[Japan] [Aomori, Japan] 青森巿巴士 attachment fp8329 2015-5-4 23:31 22543 fp8329 2015-5-21 00:55
來自東洋的雙層巴士 attachment agree  ...2 GR614 2015-5-7 22:09 136170 BHSE 2015-5-20 00:47
[Japan] [Sendai, Japan] 仙台巿巴士車頭動物標誌一問 attachment fp8329 2015-5-18 23:52 11832 ksmbh 2015-5-19 00:17
[Japan] [Iwate, Japan] JR東北(巴士)車廠 attachment fp8329 2015-5-18 23:28 02178 fp8329 2015-5-18 23:28
達卡 hkskyline 2015-5-18 20:44 01619 hkskyline 2015-5-18 20:44
首爾觀光巴士 attachment barca_399 2015-5-15 23:10 01775 barca_399 2015-5-15 23:10
[JP]宮崎市巴士 attachment KG1428 2015-5-11 22:26 11879 ksmbh 2015-5-13 22:44
[UK] [London, UK] 尋找他鄉141的故事 attachment fp8329 2015-5-13 11:31 02112 fp8329 2015-5-13 11:31
[JP]鹿兒島巴士 attachment KG1428 2015-5-12 23:27 01749 KG1428 2015-5-12 23:27
[JP]打入日本的韓國巴-Hyundai Universe attachment ksmbh 2015-5-11 00:20 33472 GR614 2015-5-12 22:35
威嘴進化論 attachment HX1961 2015-5-10 05:39 12133 CMB 2015-5-12 00:34
[Japan] [Tokyo, Japan] 開頂Neoplan attachment fp8329 2015-5-10 01:04 22530 CMB 2015-5-12 00:20
[日本] 京成掛接巴士 attachment nwfb1001 2015-5-11 23:52 12470 CMB 2015-5-12 00:08
[Singapore] Tower Transit 投得第一批外包巴士服務合约  ...2 2015-5-8 18:37 104857 FBI2 2015-5-11 15:45
[JP] Skytree Shuttle YANHOLUI 2015-5-8 17:48 22093 YANHOLUI 2015-5-10 11:02
[JP]宮崎巴士第三篇-老ISUZU LP312J, LP232J attachment ksmbh 2015-5-9 16:40 01689 ksmbh 2015-5-9 16:40
[Japan] [Iwate(Ichinoseki), Japan] 櫻花盛開下的「岩手縣交通」車輛 attachment agree fp8329 2015-5-6 23:27 12266 DIH 2015-5-8 15:16
[Japan] [Sendai, Japan] 仙台巿的靚全廣 attachment fp8329 2015-5-8 01:02 01867 fp8329 2015-5-8 01:02
[UK] 闖盪英國-尋找他鄉香港巴士(多相) agree city_alexander 2015-5-3 23:52 16244 iambighead 2015-5-6 10:24
[Japan] [Iwate(Hachimantai), Japan] 岩手縣的「A線」巴士 attachment fp8329 2015-5-5 22:41 02299 fp8329 2015-5-5 22:41
全新設計巴士將現星洲 otakutamama 2015-5-5 22:05 02369 otakutamama 2015-5-5 22:05
[JP]宮崎巴士第二篇-旅遊巴 attachment ksmbh 2015-5-4 23:24 01754 ksmbh 2015-5-4 23:24
幕張 18 米掛接 attachment agree kokchun 2015-4-22 19:30 43641 CMB 2015-5-4 11:47
[Japan] [Sapporo, Japan] 札幌巿巴士 attachment fp8329 2015-5-3 12:36 32624 CMB 2015-5-4 11:39
[日本] 福岡空港數攝 nwfb1001 2015-5-4 08:56 01706 nwfb1001 2015-5-4 08:56
[Japan] [Hakodate & Otaru, Japan] 函館巿及小樽巿巴士 attachment fp8329 2015-5-3 22:34 01764 fp8329 2015-5-3 22:34
宮崎巴士第一篇-在日本尋找老舊UD attachment agree ksmbh 2015-5-3 19:57 02603 ksmbh 2015-5-3 19:57
新加坡影巴士數問  ...2 fokvictor 2015-3-25 13:36 113945 he3543 2015-5-2 16:59
倫敦交通博物館 Acton Depot 開放日[極多圖注意] attachment agree HX1961 2015-4-26 08:11 73955 EN1504-201 2015-5-2 03:19
[Los Angeles, CA] 山寨 Wright S3BL100 2015-4-28 13:27 52529 3ASV3-JE1672 2015-4-30 14:24
[沖繩] 名護、讀谷巴士總站 haiwang 2015-4-16 13:28 14255 予琛 2015-4-29 20:41
[NI, UK]Translink Metro抄倫敦巴士style agree PV4394 2015-4-29 04:23 02082 PV4394 2015-4-29 04:23
[MY] 馬來西亞柔佛州豐盛港巴士隨攝 Mersing Bus, Malaysia agree ac 2015-4-28 23:56 13034 PKD32 2015-4-29 00:07
[新加坡] 同公司, 同車型, 不同塗裝 HE423 2015-4-26 18:50 01909 HE423 2015-4-26 18:50
直布羅陀四日行巴士第一日篇 alan2011super3 2015-4-13 08:49 32956 EN1504-201 2015-4-22 08:34
【星洲】量產版MAN NG363F今日首航190 attachment agree beeen 2015-3-15 20:02 96603 blueblue 2015-4-21 08:37
北美常見雙層之物 attachment tonychung 2015-4-20 13:16 02090 tonychung 2015-4-20 13:16
英國史篤城賣包的都城嘉慕 attachment alan2011super3 2015-4-3 23:57 53483 alan2011super3 2015-4-20 11:54
[MY] 馬來西亞柔佛州 8 號公共巴士數攝 agree ac 2015-4-15 17:31 03088 ac 2015-4-15 17:31
直布羅陀四日行巴士第三日篇 alan2011super3 2015-4-15 04:23 02326 alan2011super3 2015-4-15 04:23
直布羅陀四日行巴士第二日篇(有埋西班牙巴士) alan2011super3 2015-4-14 05:37 12543 GNZ9068 2015-4-15 03:21
[London, UK]有關Optare Tempo Hybrid嘅問題 PZ8490 2015-4-12 22:35 01493 PZ8490 2015-4-12 22:35
[SYD] The last 4 MLs attachment agree avbe35 2015-4-11 15:40 01895 avbe35 2015-4-11 15:40
[UK] Volvo Olympic in Bradford & Huddersfield agree 866866 2015-4-9 18:11 43146 Mandurah__Line 2015-4-11 06:58
[NI,UK]St Paddy's Day 搭校巴 PV4394 2015-4-9 23:41 01598 PV4394 2015-4-9 23:41
[NZ] Auckland 巴士閒攝 (含K270UB、B7RLE、DAF DB250 Optare等)(15pics) attachment KY5393 2015-4-4 18:29 63341 KY5393 2015-4-9 12:34
[NZ]Lion's city三軸+Scania雙層 attachment agree kyuaass 2015-4-3 08:31 43042 kmb3asv3 2015-4-8 17:04
[日本] 福岡機場巴士 eric278 2015-3-16 10:37 23681 eric278 2015-4-8 12:47
[Dresden, DE] 東德小城巴士雜攝 S3BL100 2015-4-4 22:45 12147 TankKingEH9697 2015-4-6 03:52
日本公共巴士的設計 Chi_Hang 2015-4-5 21:45 01916 Chi_Hang 2015-4-5 21:45
[JP]大阪巴士 cheungtszfung 2015-4-4 21:19 02691 cheungtszfung 2015-4-4 21:19
[AUS]比SBS Transit試用中的Volvo B5RLE Hybrid再新D agree CTB626-HE8132 2015-3-1 11:47 24450 CTB626-HE8132 2015-4-4 17:53
[JP]廣島巴士 cheungtszfung 2015-4-4 01:10 12376 lcl 2015-4-4 15:31
[London, UK]僅存(二) -- Volvo B7TL PVL115 [35P] attachment EN1504-201 2015-4-3 04:01 64088 PZ8490 2015-4-4 00:59
(日本) 沖繩那霸幾攝 區麗芝 2015-4-3 23:02 01983 ksmbh 2015-4-3 23:56
[Berlin, DE] 柏林巴士掠影 agree S3BL100 2015-3-28 15:16 56021 8166NL 2015-4-3 19:58
[London, UK]僅存(一) -- DAF DB250LF DLA173 (多圖長文) attachment agree  ...2 EN1504-201 2015-3-8 02:23 119555 EN1504-201 2015-4-3 12:58
倫敦之行坐和影巴士第四日煞科日篇 alan2011super3 2015-4-2 10:13 01809 alan2011super3 2015-4-2 10:13
倫敦之行坐和影巴士第三日篇 alan2011super3 2015-4-1 08:30 01768 alan2011super3 2015-4-1 08:30
倫敦之行坐和影巴士第二日篇 alan2011super3 2015-3-31 08:07 22071 alan2011super3 2015-4-1 07:23
[NZ news] 奧克蘭落實購入15輛雙層巴士 KY5393 2015-2-21 12:14 53113 iczer3 2015-3-31 18:04
倫敦之行坐和影巴士第一日篇 alan2011super3 2015-3-30 07:33 01968 alan2011super3 2015-3-30 07:33
[Brisbane] 是日工程改動 [多相] 亞空 2015-3-29 22:32 01632 亞空 2015-3-29 22:32
[SG] Honouring & Remembering Mr Lee Kuan Yew agree SBS9827Z 2015-3-28 23:16 02467 SBS9827Z 2015-3-28 23:16
(SIN) In Honour Of Lee Kuan Yew 1923 - 2015 attachment 2015-3-28 13:03 02493 2015-3-28 13:03
[San Francisco, CA, US] 即日雜攝  ...2 S3BL100 2015-3-16 14:08 174213 93A_S3_6:30am 2015-3-26 00:06
[Brisbane] 土炮車身 亞空 2015-3-18 15:53 32543 Mandurah__Line 2015-3-22 07:15
前往JR日本最南端之有人站 basiling 2015-3-21 18:01 02053 basiling 2015-3-21 18:01
[Palo Alto, CA, US] 強國製電動巴士入侵美國大學校園 S3BL100 2015-3-17 13:28 52935 MM2801@12A 2015-3-20 18:02
[UK] BenzS CTB829-chaubb 2015-3-20 00:32 01721 CTB829-chaubb 2015-3-20 00:32
[日本] 門司港巴士 eric278 2015-3-17 16:50 01905 eric278 2015-3-17 16:50
[SIN] 義順巴士臨時轉換站投入運作的首個清晨 2015-3-14 12:03 22468 starwise 2015-3-15 09:44
[星洲]旧义顺巴士站尾车&新站“头车” agree beeen 2015-3-14 18:57 12242 ksmbh 2015-3-14 23:28
[SIN] 義順巴士轉換站的最後一夜 2015-3-14 11:57 01688 2015-3-14 11:57
E400H車型演化一兩問 8166NL 2015-3-13 18:59 01713 8166NL 2015-3-13 18:59
[SG] 義順巴士轉換站搬遷 SBS7449U 2015-3-13 04:17 21819 S3N92 2015-3-13 13:09
[SG, BSEP] 新捷運新122號巴士路線 SBS7449U 2015-3-13 01:24 01744 SBS7449U 2015-3-13 01:24
[San Antonio, TX, US] 巧遇 Megabus S3BL100 2015-3-12 00:53 01643 S3BL100 2015-3-12 00:53
[JP] 東京空港交通 各品牌車型 - 多圖 attachment agree BHSE 2015-3-11 23:41 02927 BHSE 2015-3-11 23:41
請問大家 人在悉尼... 邊個地鐵站較易影到前中巴ML DA32EM4321 2015-3-5 22:15 32246 iczer3 2015-3-10 14:51
ME30 -- Gays and lesbians parade 2015 attachment agree avbe35 2015-3-8 14:38 32662 peterkl 2015-3-9 20:38
前DA1近況 attachment agree ad63 2015-3-7 13:04 13392 s3bl469@73a 2015-3-8 16:09
[急問]台北那裡影巴士好? iambighead 2015-2-21 00:15 31727 ccicoltd 2015-3-7 20:37
[SIN] Woodland兀蘭出,Taus大士入,星柔新春國際行大運。 attachment agree ac 2015-3-5 21:37 74825 SBS9827Z 2015-3-7 17:41
[SG] 可遠見而不可近看 attachment he3543 2015-2-20 13:07 12131 ac 2015-3-6 11:30
[TPE] 862-FR HM230@72X 2015-3-3 21:41 01747 HM230@72X 2015-3-3 21:41
[SG] SBS Transit Volvo B5RH 混能巴士 agree SBS9827Z 2015-3-1 11:36 35355 KMB47X 2015-3-3 00:38
曼谷BRT 區麗芝 2015-2-16 23:41 13002 PKD32 2015-2-28 13:13
[JP] 建国記念日? attachment YANHOLUI 2015-2-26 11:20 01695 YANHOLUI 2015-2-26 11:20
【新加坡】今日,972路線的"加長服務" HE423 2015-2-22 22:27 22547 HE423 2015-2-23 09:38
踏入新加坡著名紅燈區幫襯141 attachment agree FBI2 2015-2-8 22:29 25283 FBI2 2015-2-22 23:27
[London, UK] 古董車配復古色-Routemaster 近況 attachment agree HX1961 2015-2-21 23:59 12230 EN1504-201 2015-2-22 05:40
E500在美國各地最新消息 agree sea1986 2015-2-21 01:08 22479 ATE258 2015-2-22 00:18
[NI, GB]你淨會喺呢度見到佢地 attachment PV4394 2015-2-22 00:00 01476 PV4394 2015-2-22 00:00
[London, UK]Abellio E400 MMC hybrid agree  ...23 EN1504-201 2015-2-7 07:57 2314291 isay 2015-2-18 22:11
[SG][求救]新加坡去新山機場 NL273a 2015-2-18 11:17 31830 orange 2015-2-18 13:38
[UK] Stagecoach巴士定點班次遲到成習慣 attachment 強國人 2015-2-15 06:10 62259 jx6215 2015-2-17 10:40
澳門巴士公司使用雙層巴士可能性討論 volvobus7500 2015-2-3 20:32 83977 AVD1 2015-2-16 23:39
[LA]LA Metro XN40 attachment tonychung 2015-2-3 03:27 62396 tonychung 2015-2-16 02:06
[片] SBSTransit SCANIA K230UB he3543 2015-2-14 23:56 01914 he3543 2015-2-14 23:56
新加坡最西北的地方---林厝港 attachment FBI2 2015-2-8 22:34 02500 FBI2 2015-2-8 22:34
印尼峇里旅遊巴 PKD32 2015-1-26 00:15 22362 PKD32 2015-2-6 23:48
[新加坡] 新捷運提提你就要過農曆新年(即日相) HE423 2015-1-31 19:10 12687 PKD32 2015-2-6 23:47
[St Andrews, UK] 小弟大學鎮內坐巴士翻學 attachment 強國人 2015-1-28 00:50 72758 強國人 2015-2-4 00:53
Metrolink B10M~ 9042volvo 2015-2-4 00:52 01425 9042volvo 2015-2-4 00:52
[UK] 驛馬大巴士投資九千萬磅新車訂單 Wongdailuk 2017-2-1 18:30 21458 wrightap 2015-2-3 12:36
[L.A]偶然一個發現 attachment tonychung 2015-1-27 04:51 42515 he3543 2015-2-2 00:48
英國First Potteries西瓜波德仔遠赴克魯 alan2011super3 2015-2-1 02:59 02020 alan2011super3 2015-2-1 02:59
[混帳 ADL 尋寶之旅] 特別版 E200 agree HW8373 2014-11-24 02:33 35844 GW5498 2015-1-30 17:50
[UK] [UK] Oxford - Park & Ride attachment fp8329 2015-1-30 00:24 01731 fp8329 2015-1-30 00:24
展開低成本的旅程 - 北美 Megabus 試乘報告 attachment agree BHSE 2015-1-3 16:04 76069 tonychung 2015-1-27 03:07
日本 - Willer Express「Cocoon」魚骨式排列平臥座艙 試乘報告 attachment agree BHSE 2015-1-16 22:22 17801 PKD32 2015-1-26 00:57
[新聞] BYD 嘗試打入洛杉磯巿場  ...234 S3BL100 2014-12-27 14:56 308032 MM2801@12A 2015-1-24 23:35
[YVR] New Flyer XN40 billlmf 2015-1-24 15:51 02131 billlmf 2015-1-24 15:51
[Victoria,BC] CVS Tours E500 HA3556 2015-1-23 14:42 02390 HA3556 2015-1-23 14:42
[Santa Barbara, CA, US] NOVA 掛接首日航(即日) S3BL100 2015-1-21 12:25 01935 S3BL100 2015-1-21 12:25
[KR] ENVIRO 500 + 英式雙層巴士 agree  ...2 HV7025 2015-1-1 22:29 1313142 HV7025 2015-1-20 22:05
[SIN] 雙層雜攝 dennis695 2015-1-17 12:35 12050 otakutamama 2015-1-19 11:47
(新加坡) 雙層MAN 區麗芝 2015-1-15 01:45 74639 BHSE 2015-1-17 14:26
[SIN] 單層雜攝 dennis695 2015-1-17 12:26 01470 dennis695 2015-1-17 12:26
[SIN] 雙層Lion's City dennis695 2015-1-17 12:18 01984 dennis695 2015-1-17 12:18
TFGM新成員 attachment HX1961 2015-1-11 01:15 83607 isay 2015-1-16 13:35
[新加坡] SBS Transit attachment barca_399 2015-1-10 22:04 12456 Derek2021 2015-1-15 21:24
Designed by the industry . Designed for the industry agree D201@EAL 2015-1-11 07:03 02370 D201@EAL 2015-1-11 07:03
[日本]關西交通節(2014年) DM9172 2015-1-7 19:59 42583 DM9172 2015-1-10 17:05
First Wright StreetDeck 正式載客 agree D201@EAL 2015-1-9 06:18 03102 D201@EAL 2015-1-9 06:18
[Singapore] [Singapore] 已成歷史的...... attachment fp8329 2015-1-6 22:47 03212 fp8329 2015-1-6 22:47
[UK]ADL請你搭Cardiff Bus FS1819 2015-1-1 02:52 22223 mcwcow 2015-1-2 15:45
沖繩那霸巴士總站隨影 haiwang 2014-9-30 23:54 43729 steven747 2015-1-2 08:41
[Singapore] SMRT E500 MMC 上路第100日 attachment agree SBS9827Z 2014-10-22 23:08 88528 HR1377 2015-1-1 23:01
SBST同SMRT仲有幾多新巴士未交付? kokleung 2014-12-26 13:03 11818 ausbus 2014-12-30 14:25
愛丁堡市 Lothian Buses B5TL投入服務 agree  ...2 avbe35 2014-11-27 10:28 127154 hkth 2014-12-27 16:09
新加坡影掃車影相位一問 he3543 2014-12-1 00:55 51924 89B 2014-12-24 15:28
問英國改裝電動Trident volvoman 2014-12-17 02:37 12665 Hongkonger 2014-12-20 13:06
問:SBS1688K LV1012 2014-12-17 12:58 31793 HV9990 2014-12-19 00:26
近期熱點隨拍? attachment beeen 2014-12-18 18:52 01569 beeen 2014-12-18 18:52
[AUS] The NEW Volgren Double Decker (Volvo B9TL) attachment agree  ...2 CTB626-HE8132 2014-11-30 12:06 118650 3ASV174 2014-12-17 00:17
[多圖] [Adelaide] 新線JetExpress配新Bustech CDi雙層首航 attachment  ...2 Jamesadl 2014-11-13 21:40 148062 khchan 2014-12-15 14:28
[多圖] 坐車遊布達佩斯 attachment agree busfunfun 2014-12-1 02:08 22721 greenfrog 2014-12-13 19:23
ADL E500 在南韓試行 hkaiw 2014-12-9 08:29 15448 iczer3 2014-12-10 15:50
[多圖+影片] [Brisbane] 結束25年服務 agree 亞空 2014-11-8 17:18 43128 亞空 2014-12-9 02:10
[Brisbane] 日光日白影N車 亞空 2014-12-7 23:15 21807 亞空 2014-12-8 19:46
[London, UK] 彩虹Borismaster s3n354 2014-12-7 12:21 02094 s3n354 2014-12-7 12:21
[多圖] [Brisbane] G20峰會 agree 亞空 2014-11-25 12:21 22527 亞空 2014-12-7 02:19
del 3941 2014-12-1 22:35 11190 busfunfun 2014-12-1 23:01
[London, UK] 牛津街聖誕燈飾 agree s3n354 2014-11-29 22:13 22842 s3n354 2014-12-1 13:16
[AUS] Volgren雙層再臨 attachment agree CTB626-HE8132 2014-11-25 11:20 73934 CTB626-HE8132 2014-11-30 12:07
[Video] 新加坡巴士是這樣拆毀的 2014-11-8 15:35 73764 89B 2014-11-28 01:30
[Cardiff] Unexpected Demonstrator attachment FS1819 2014-11-26 22:38 02073 FS1819 2014-11-26 22:38
[MELB] Skybus將於2015年3 月推出雙層巴士服務 CTB626-HE8132 2014-11-23 11:24 22386 CTB626-HE8132 2014-11-24 10:46
新加坡ASC attachment KF1044 2014-8-28 20:36 95675 GW5498 2014-11-23 20:37
[首爾]問歐式巴士及雙層巴士 attachment blueblue 2014-11-16 19:33 74306 Henrycheung0902 2014-11-23 18:54
[SYD] 我有澳寶通,歡迎你使用 agree  ...23 Busways 2014-8-3 22:14 266582 peterkl 2014-11-22 01:22
英國漫遊 2014 – 有緣路過South Yorkshire 城鎮 Rotherham 數攝 ac 2014-11-17 17:38 32264 1320 2014-11-19 13:58
[東京] 池袋駅東口 attachment agree nwfb1001 2014-11-15 16:30 12545 HV9990 2014-11-18 01:50
英國漫遊 2014 – 不枉此行的黑池 Blackpool agree ac 2014-11-15 02:57 42888 ML29 2014-11-16 23:07
2014 英國漫遊 Part 2 – 在Cambridge的文化氛圍中影車 ac 2014-11-12 20:27 11999 ML29 2014-11-14 01:04
[UK] [英國]超級長途線Excel X1相片 attachment fp8329 2014-10-2 02:15 64256 PKD32 2014-11-13 22:17
[UK?] 北美版E50D?  ...2 ads190 2014-8-30 22:25 116793 peterpan 2014-11-13 19:42
有幸一嘗的英國National Express三軸Coach alan2011super3 2014-10-26 08:29 42907 1320 2014-11-13 10:40
英國漫遊2014 Part 1 - 一落機立即發益 agree ac 2014-11-11 00:39 02106 ac 2014-11-11 00:39
英國超級長途遊河線 attachment agree  ...2 ksmbh 2014-8-26 23:10 169243 ksmbh 2014-11-9 00:38
[UK] Build Your Dream in London attachment fp8329 2014-10-16 21:16 22764 oxball 2014-11-9 00:21
[Los Angeles, USA] Santa Monica bus carlo唔按時開車導致脫班 attachment 強國人 2014-10-12 05:17 42527 強國人 2014-11-6 02:39
[轉載]品味災難StreetDeck  ...23 FS1819 2014-10-24 17:30 218895 HW8373 2014-11-5 15:06
[London, UK]RT重現11號線 agree EN1504-201 2014-11-3 21:51 32395 EN1504-201 2014-11-4 06:13
[BSEP] 十一月份新巴士路線 SBS7449U 2014-11-4 03:22 02765 SBS7449U 2014-11-4 03:22
[JAPAN}Volgren 掛接進攻日本BRT市場  ...2 iczer3 2014-8-15 22:13 167196 CTB626-HE8132 2014-11-2 19:30
雙層MAN訓練中..... attachment agree VOLVO‧MV6593 2014-10-18 00:45 44424 DGCNYO 2014-11-1 00:39
倫敦巴士數攝 attachment octopusman 2014-10-31 20:02 01812 octopusman 2014-10-31 20:02
[UK] [UK] 倫敦銀色Borismaster attachment fp8329 2014-10-20 22:20 32589 sammyleung719 2014-10-31 00:07
北美 - Megabus 經營模式 attachment BHSE 2014-10-24 21:30 02326 BHSE 2014-10-24 21:30
新加坡短訪數攝 iczer3 2014-10-24 08:14 01858 iczer3 2014-10-24 08:14
(匆忙劣攝)英國First Potteries脫柴新試Wright Streetlite Max's alan2011super3 2014-10-12 01:55 93441 ML29 2014-10-20 23:44
[UK] [UK] 在第一次世界大戰戰場上使用的巴士 attachment fp8329 2014-10-19 17:02 22880 3357。KS8450 2014-10-20 10:25
英國First Potteries全新Wright Streetlite Max試坐行 alan2011super3 2014-10-19 02:03 02009 alan2011super3 2014-10-19 02:03
[UK] [Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, UK] attachment fp8329 2014-10-19 01:18 01798 fp8329 2014-10-19 01:18
[UK] [Wales, UK] Cardiff Bus attachment agree fp8329 2014-10-16 22:36 12025 FS1819 2014-10-18 17:53
[UK] [Liverpool, UK] 廣告包成咁. 乘客點睇街? attachment fp8329 2014-10-12 20:49 52873 TankKingEH9697 2014-10-17 16:16
[UK] 在英國的最後利蘭巴士-前SBS9168S attachment digest agree fp8329 2014-10-9 20:51 19905 89B 2014-10-16 13:06
[UK] [Manchester, UK] Hybid巴士仔, 免費任坐 attachment fp8329 2014-10-12 21:00 12721 CMB 2014-10-13 20:13
英國First Potteries重組路線後的所見 agree alan2011super3 2014-10-7 06:12 42401 8166NL 2014-10-11 00:38
[UK] [倫敦1仔] RM1免費任坐+復古售票員+內籠 attachment digest fp8329 2014-10-7 20:46 44120 PKD32 2014-10-10 19:58
[日本] 新宿駅西口隨影 attachment nwfb1001 2014-10-9 23:09 02072 nwfb1001 2014-10-9 23:09
[UK] [UK] ALX400變身宣傳車 attachment fp8329 2014-10-7 20:30 22855 hkaiw 2014-10-9 17:25
SMRT 雙層猛男 attachment hkaiw 2014-9-24 19:37 33521 KMB47X 2014-10-8 01:16
[UK] [Leeds, England] PR1 - 直達城中主場 attachment fp8329 2014-10-6 21:09 02125 fp8329 2014-10-6 21:09
[UK] [UK] City Sightseeing - Edinburgh attachment fp8329 2014-10-6 20:56 01744 fp8329 2014-10-6 20:56
[UK] (Newcastle, UK) Go NorthEast - Angel attachment fp8329 2014-10-6 00:45 11840 cruisesnet 2014-10-6 12:22
[UK] [Edinburgh, UK] Airlink 100 attachment agree fp8329 2014-10-6 00:27 02025 fp8329 2014-10-6 00:27
[英國] 還在服役中的前中巴/新巴DL (附內籠相) attachment digest fp8329 2014-10-2 09:11 47448 peterpan 2014-10-3 12:31
[UK] [UK] Powered by Bio Gas attachment agree fp8329 2014-10-2 18:44 02242 fp8329 2014-10-2 18:44
[Singapore] Leyland Olympian attachment fp8329 2014-10-2 08:01 02601 fp8329 2014-10-2 08:01
偶遇Routemaster attachment nwfb1001 2014-10-1 21:56 01548 nwfb1001 2014-10-1 21:56
[UK] ADL (Guildford) 廠內的E400MMC樣板車及底盤 attachment agree fp8329 2014-10-1 18:53 05017 fp8329 2014-10-1 18:53
ARRIVA此情不再? S3N92 2014-9-14 19:05 12150 mcwcow 2014-10-1 18:07
E400MMC巴士 首日載客營運 agree  ...2 nr5800 2014-9-13 20:03 1210987 neosan 2014-9-28 21:51
[Others] [MY] RapidKL Scania K250UB attachment  ...2 SBS9827Z 2014-7-30 01:09 1111137 kmbodth 2014-9-25 04:23
Enviro 400 Hybrid attachment  ...2 nr5800 2014-9-14 11:09 186364 ML29 2014-9-20 08:32
[混帳 ADL 尋寶之旅] Enviro 200... agree HW8373 2014-9-10 18:43 64419 Hongkonger 2014-9-11 21:29
Citybus E50H in Guildford agree dennis-ying 2014-9-1 22:01 88550 89B 2014-9-11 14:48
都城一型 S3N92 2014-9-11 12:20 01710 S3N92 2014-9-11 12:20
[Brisbane] 試攝City 新總站 亞空 2014-6-7 15:51 42550 S3V1742C 2014-9-11 07:18
LONDON最後的RM線 attachment S3N92 2014-9-3 18:17 92413 S3N92 2014-9-10 18:28
London Bus (Single deck bus) attachment basiling 2014-9-7 09:27 42348 S3N92 2014-9-10 18:27
[UK]Scania將推出雙層天然氣巴士 GW5498 2014-9-10 18:04 01936 GW5498 2014-9-10 18:04
曼谷習作 1 - 巴士 attachment mak5052 2014-9-4 11:38 32634 CMB 2014-9-9 14:09
Oxford Bus basiling 2014-9-6 11:26 01544 basiling 2014-9-6 11:26
[SYD]Volgren Optimus MAN iczer3 2014-8-30 20:14 22004 iczer3 2014-9-6 10:47
[SYD] 3門Optare Tempo iczer3 2014-8-30 20:11 21976 cn2661_2d32 2014-9-5 23:30
[造馬]Volvo B9TL/Volgren Optimus 雙層巴士 agree iczer3 2014-8-23 19:40 84229 kmb3asv3 2014-9-2 21:32
機械錶芯E400 S3N92 2014-8-31 20:37 01865 S3N92 2014-8-31 20:37
北海道中央巴士 nwfb1001 2014-8-31 10:55 01961 nwfb1001 2014-8-31 10:55
開頂老闆 ge7471 2014-8-28 22:19 31967 Mandurah__Line 2014-8-31 08:23
Hino Selega Hybrid attachment nwfb1001 2014-8-30 00:12 12517 sammyleung719 2014-8-30 23:30
[London]有關ADL叉電混能消息 GW5498 2014-8-30 22:02 01795 GW5498 2014-8-30 22:02
四條 attachment 1005 2014-8-28 23:22 12367 HR1377 2014-8-29 23:15
2014年澳洲黃金海岸巴士及客車展覽 iczer3 2014-8-26 19:38 92614 GW5498 2014-8-28 20:28
IAA2014 客車及巴士展覽 JCSCANIA 2014-8-27 13:45 11933 ccatvb 2014-8-27 23:55
[AUS] Custom Coaches被新投資者收購 星惡魔-傑 2014-8-26 22:49 11475 iczer3 2014-8-27 08:15
[即日相]落巨雨都要影 attachment 1005 2014-8-26 23:56 02579 1005 2014-8-26 23:56
JR北海道巴士 attachment agree nwfb1001 2014-8-24 09:28 42859 3ASV174 2014-8-26 23:13
oxford tube Vanhool Astromega TX27 agree basiling 2014-8-26 22:38 01791 basiling 2014-8-26 22:38
18/8 SMRT 106, 190, 850E, 966 & 969 有雙層用 jasoncky 2014-8-12 16:19 42526 SBS9827Z 2014-8-24 20:30
[uk] 5年。。又5年,全新oxford tube digest wrightap 2014-8-22 10:39 53792 Mandurah__Line 2014-8-24 12:54
點解 SBS 咁鐘意買貨尾 ?? LF5502 2014-7-21 01:33 53464 iczer3 2014-8-22 14:40
[NY, US] 紐約巿的公共巴士、開頂 Trident/E400/500 和安凱 S3BL100 2014-8-20 21:52 33582 cmatcu 2014-8-22 09:03
[韓國] 墨湖, 一山, 汶山 數攝 (文+多圖) jackyVA64 2014-8-13 20:58 32278 PKD32 2014-8-19 20:29
[日本] 九州西鐵巴士新塗裝 attachment nwfb1001 2014-8-19 14:07 02125 nwfb1001 2014-8-19 14:07
[Guildford][混帳 ADL 尋寶之旅] MMC agree HW8373 2014-8-5 21:56 45974 kmbodth 2014-8-19 11:05
[日本] 九州西鐵巴士舊塗裝 attachment nwfb1001 2014-8-17 00:13 12588 GR614 2014-8-18 22:50
[ACT]Australia’s first Euro 6 bus fleet 樂文 2014-8-18 17:49 01778 樂文 2014-8-18 17:49
[KL] KLIA 2 Scania K250 SBS9827Z 2014-8-8 22:15 43379 PKD32 2014-8-17 00:08
Bus for London basiling 2014-8-16 17:18 01559 basiling 2014-8-16 17:18
Northern Counties 富豪B7TL basiling 2014-8-14 13:17 01930 basiling 2014-8-14 13:17
[Scots][混帳 ADL 尋寶之旅] 歐五貨尾 attachment agree  ...2 HW8373 2014-8-2 02:18 168381 HUgo8370 2014-8-14 10:11
[SYD] Hillsbus Volgren Optimus Volvo B7RLE attachment kmb3asv3 2014-7-17 22:38 35526 Busways 2014-8-13 20:42
E50D in 972 attachment agree beeen 2014-8-13 19:44 02397 beeen 2014-8-13 19:44
SBS 加訂 250 Citaro, 415 B9TL YYF 2014-7-2 14:22 94168 HE7921 2014-8-12 22:20
柏林BVG將會測試新雙層巴士  ...2 GW5498 2014-7-23 09:47 165623 MANNL283 2014-8-11 13:11
no distance is too far S3N92 2014-8-9 12:38 01360 S3N92 2014-8-9 12:38
[MELB]E200, 你仲會有其他兄弟出現嗎?? agree  ...2 CTB626-HE8132 2014-6-3 19:53 125731 iczer3 2014-8-9 07:25
[Singapore] 2014年8月巴士路線新增和調整 SBS9827Z 2014-8-8 21:35 01630 SBS9827Z 2014-8-8 21:35
Irisbus Citelis 12 basiling 2014-8-8 13:01 01501 basiling 2014-8-8 13:01
倫敦古典巴士15號線一問 attachment LN6487 2014-8-4 10:23 72650 HN577 2014-8-8 10:50
London transport museum S3N92 2014-8-7 19:40 01486 S3N92 2014-8-7 19:40
MCW in Perth 將軍澳 2014-8-5 23:05 11659 Mandurah__Line 2014-8-6 22:57
NBFL @ 10 basiling 2014-8-6 12:51 01282 basiling 2014-8-6 12:51
再見古典巴士線9H agree S3N92 2014-7-25 22:20 93090 wrightap 2014-8-5 00:33
First Dart In Swansea attachment agree ge7471 2014-7-31 20:09 21906 FS1819 2014-8-3 20:20
abellio London E400 basiling 2014-8-2 00:48 01432 basiling 2014-8-2 00:48
[日本] 中型Isuzu Erga nwfb1001 2014-7-30 22:02 01832 nwfb1001 2014-7-30 22:02
英國版蔬菜門 attachment ge7471 2014-7-29 23:14 01799 ge7471 2014-7-29 23:14
Dubai Bus 杜拜巴士 (多圖) GN927 2014-7-24 23:02 84010 Mandurah__Line 2014-7-29 20:44
[london] abellio london e400mmc wrightap 2014-7-28 10:15 43418 Chi_Hang 2014-7-28 20:56
昔日新加坡巴士繳付車資一問 petcity 2014-7-24 20:24 62151 petcity 2014-7-28 20:43
Routermaster 60 (part2) agree S3N92 2014-7-27 12:59 01451 S3N92 2014-7-27 12:59
【多圖】Route Master 60 周年活動 attachment agree ge7471 2014-7-27 05:39 01779 ge7471 2014-7-27 05:39
紐約及波士頓巴士 DC5 2014-7-23 01:34 01862 DC5 2014-7-23 01:34
SMRT E500MMC真車相 attachment agree  ...234 mingsiu 2014-4-10 10:31 3122403 69x69m 2014-7-22 13:26
Routermaster 60 (part1) agree S3N92 2014-7-21 21:07 02046 S3N92 2014-7-21 21:07
[VIC]少數民族, FUSO大學校巴 CTB626-HE8132 2014-7-17 07:33 12515 PKD32 2014-7-18 23:17
吉文 FBI2 2014-7-16 21:23 11171 ckckck 2014-7-16 21:52
[日本] 熊本市內巴士 nwfb1001 2014-7-11 22:48 11936 ksmbh 2014-7-12 12:31
Big Bus Enviro500 agree gakei 2014-7-11 09:25 02712 gakei 2014-7-11 09:25
[問題]倫敦搭巴士幾問 basiling 2014-7-5 19:30 42231 krausssammy 2014-7-10 19:30
[JP] 遠在九州的HYBRID巴士 attachment GR614 2014-6-19 22:17 32556 starwise 2014-7-9 08:08
[JPY] JR九州高速巴士 attachment nwfb1001 2014-7-5 22:34 11916 GR614 2014-7-8 22:38
[Singapore] SMRT E50D 于下星期日開始服務 agree SBS9827Z 2014-7-6 19:14 02992 SBS9827Z 2014-7-6 19:14
[London, GB] TFL Year of the Bus Cavalcade 2014 digest agree samsam690 2014-6-23 03:48 34981 wrightap 2014-7-6 03:29
曾經穿梭於新馬兩地的... HE423 2014-6-30 21:39 62784 KMB47X 2014-7-5 01:27
{AU} 3門版本Optare Tempo iczer3 2014-7-3 09:09 01951 iczer3 2014-7-3 09:09
[Singapore] SMRT E50D 正式登记 attachment agree SBS9827Z 2014-6-19 18:56 84221 SBS9827Z 2014-7-1 23:37
[UK] Volvo B5TL Demonstrator/ Wright Gemini 3 [多圖] agree MM3119@102 2014-6-30 05:57 34198 ksmbh 2014-7-1 22:30
求新加坡 遊河路線, 另問Ez-link, Toruist Pass  ...2 DF11 2014-4-26 19:17 113826 ksmbh 2014-7-1 17:53
強國貨「入侵」美國波特蘭 sea1986 2014-6-26 14:47 12793 nickk 2014-6-28 18:00
[多倫多]GO Transit E500開箱文 agree ATE258 2014-5-23 15:57 97401 KC7813_ATS64 2014-6-28 01:53
Rapid KL E500MMC一問 予琛 2014-6-23 19:50 02111 予琛 2014-6-23 19:50
英國DDA更新對巴士業界影嚮 DW8306 2014-6-23 11:06 32066 3357。KS8450 2014-6-23 14:31
日本金沢 agree GK9636 2014-6-20 22:06 31818 sammyleung719 2014-6-22 20:23
Another left hand drive Routemaster? es2559 2014-6-22 15:27 11473 lpc 2014-6-22 16:04
【日本大阪】主要都係Hino同五十鈴 PKD32 2014-6-20 21:34 23162 PKD32 2014-6-21 07:05
[Portland, OR] BYD Electric Bus Demonstration/Test Run attachment edwardyuen 2014-6-20 09:47 41990 edwardyuen 2014-6-21 05:33
日本石川、福井、滋賀 GK9636 2014-6-20 22:07 01388 GK9636 2014-6-20 22:07
日本富山 GK9636 2014-6-20 22:04 01258 GK9636 2014-6-20 22:04
日本歧阜 GK9636 2014-6-20 22:03 01406 GK9636 2014-6-20 22:03
[Brisbane] BT首部白色LED頭牌B7RLE!!!?? agree 星惡魔-傑 2014-5-31 16:16 62819 tofu 2014-6-20 21:15
[MELB] PTV標準色 agree CTB626-HE8132 2014-6-8 16:21 94368 CTB626-HE8132 2014-6-20 09:01
關於ADL場ge問題! DBAY135 2014-6-16 22:57 11633 GNZ9068 2014-6-18 02:47
[日本] 九州豪斯登堡園內專車 attachment nwfb1001 2014-6-16 22:33 01743 nwfb1001 2014-6-16 22:33
[日本] RM236@九州 attachment agree nwfb1001 2014-6-15 18:58 01856 nwfb1001 2014-6-15 18:58
[UK] Fire casualties...3 in a day (12/6/2014) attachment ML29 2014-6-12 23:26 32185 ML29 2014-6-14 21:55
[UK]Brighton,最後的風景 HUgo8370 2014-5-31 04:49 23413 ATE271 2014-6-12 21:08
[8/6] 綠草如茵與碧水藍天(頗多圖) agree 866866 2014-6-11 00:18 11933 ksmbh 2014-6-11 23:49
[SYD]Interline 金龍殼大宇 - 悉尼的第一批中國製公交巴士 iczer3 2014-6-6 21:53 63006 Busways 2014-6-9 09:29
[UK][1/6] North West Vehicle Restoration Trust Running Day(頗多圖) agree 866866 2014-6-4 00:41 63011 lpc 2014-6-7 21:50
[TFL, GB] 倫敦塔橋下 attachment samsam690 2014-5-19 22:43 22333 gakei 2014-6-6 20:43
[Brisbane] 黃色兩兄弟 亞空 2014-6-5 00:39 01777 亞空 2014-6-5 00:39
Alexander Dennis 關閉澳洲 Custom Coaches廠房  ...2 iczer3 2014-5-31 07:37 134018 Busways 2014-6-2 21:22
[SYD - TfNSW] Region 15 此情不再 attachment Busways 2014-6-1 22:03 11475 iczer3 2014-6-2 09:54
[UK] Optare 新車 MetroDecker [p.2+] + 歷代雙層繪圖 + Metrobus Mk.III attachment agree  ...234 Hongkonger 2014-5-17 00:29 3614748 sutrak 2014-5-26 09:39
[緬甸] 仰光市公共巴士及旅遊巴士 LV1012 2014-5-20 23:13 12682 NG1204 2014-5-21 21:05
[London TFL, GB] 最新 NB4L 中獎者 attachment agree samsam690 2014-5-4 06:22 73094 89B 2014-5-21 13:08
[手機純記錄] [NZ] Auckland 前城巴 B12 近況 (5/6再加入新相) KY5393 2014-5-21 12:42 02518 KY5393 2014-5-21 12:42
[Guildford, UK][Dennis Way 劣影] 全新 MMC 貼紙車同埋怪獸 agree  ...234 HW8373 2014-4-15 23:39 3222509 Hongkonger 2014-5-18 16:06
[London TFL, GB] NBFL 圖片雜錦 (9p) attachment agree samsam690 2014-3-11 05:08 53772 2157 2014-5-18 06:26
[london] stagecoach london gemini 3 B5LH agree  ...2 wrightap 2014-5-16 10:59 114489 NV58 2014-5-17 16:39
[多圖] [Brisbane] Volvo B7RLE / Scania @ 66 agree  ...2 亞空 2014-5-11 14:08 103876 hkwp 2014-5-17 12:42
[TFL, GB] 紅色車身 samsam690 2014-5-17 06:22 01324 samsam690 2014-5-17 06:22
有無版友知道此相邊度拍攝 S3N92 2014-5-15 10:06 11369 Hongkonger 2014-5-15 17:50
[London, GB] 相當年 .... attachment samsam690 2014-5-8 05:59 72754 Mandurah__Line 2014-5-12 09:50
[UK] 2013年的Worthing Bus Rally agree aysh 2014-5-4 19:50 02004 aysh 2014-5-4 19:50
[LDN, UK] Volvo B9TL MCV 電腦繪圖 Hongkonger 2014-5-4 13:24 03228 Hongkonger 2014-5-4 13:24
[JP]北海道- 十勝巴士(十勝バス) attachment ksmbh 2014-5-1 13:46 02122 ksmbh 2014-5-1 13:46
[video] 熊本城周遊バス basiling 2014-5-1 12:25 01158 basiling 2014-5-1 12:25
英國Keele University不速之客 alan2011super3 2014-5-1 03:43 11854 HUgo8370 2014-5-1 04:24
來自倫敦的你(今次真係去咗倫敦影相) HUgo8370 2014-4-28 04:47 01709 HUgo8370 2014-4-28 04:47
[JP]北海道 道南巴士 attachment ksmbh 2014-4-27 23:10 02286 ksmbh 2014-4-27 23:10
[UK] Wright StreetDeck終於現身  ...2 GW5498 2014-4-22 09:21 169386 NV58 2014-4-27 19:50
(UK) ex-NWFB DA5 EN1721 agree ukbusman 2014-4-19 04:07 85010 DW8306 2014-4-27 07:52
[Brisbane] 紅色四子 agree 亞空 2014-4-26 16:00 01691 亞空 2014-4-26 16:00
[Courtenay, BC] new transit future bus ? HA3556 2014-4-25 09:39 01473 HA3556 2014-4-25 09:39
來自倫敦的你2 (被流放至Brighton啲Citaro G) 已補回112 agree HUgo8370 2014-4-23 04:24 62779 HUgo8370 2014-4-25 03:21
ECW 9.6m Red Bus in U.S. Midwest agree Sin_11876 2014-4-20 11:45 01985 Sin_11876 2014-4-20 11:45
【UK】 Whitby Town Tour agree S3BL417 2014-4-19 04:44 11944 wrightap 2014-4-19 07:19
來自倫敦的你 HUgo8370 2014-4-18 03:17 62271 wrightap 2014-4-19 04:00
東京 agree DR7099@32 2014-4-9 15:42 11915 starwise 2014-4-18 12:05
[london][4月卡通全廣系列1] rio2 & spiderman2 (14p) wrightap 2014-4-16 10:44 21682 wrightap 2014-4-17 04:18
[Brighton] Volvo B5LH Hybrid HUgo8370 2014-4-16 00:58 02140 HUgo8370 2014-4-16 00:58
[Northern Ireland, 轉載]Stagecoach London B5LH已出廠  ...234 GW5498 2014-2-21 10:07 3412465 arhang2001 2014-4-14 22:14
英國曼徹斯特坐巴士 alan2011super3 2014-4-12 10:07 42448 smal 2014-4-14 22:06
[video]九州横断特急 basiling 2014-4-11 20:00 01345 basiling 2014-4-11 20:00
馬來西亞雲頂巴士(有Routemaster) attachment PKD32 2014-2-23 22:40 64741 peterpan 2014-4-10 13:42
[UK]ML15 FS1819 2014-4-6 00:07 52370 FS1819 2014-4-9 06:24
[日本] 京都,神戶,名古屋雜攝 chiwai 2014-4-8 23:13 01685 chiwai 2014-4-8 23:13
第一次坐到英國First Potteries升級版RL車身豪31518 alan2011super3 2014-3-21 05:56 73647 HW8373 2014-4-6 08:44
巴黎行第四日之巴黎巴士五坐和部份街邊巴士 alan2011super3 2014-4-3 06:20 52303 nwfb23 2014-4-5 11:15
[UK] NB4L: The next drawn number is... ML29 2014-4-1 22:45 31747 ML29 2014-4-3 00:51
巴黎行第三日之巴黎巴士兩坐和街邊巴士 alan2011super3 2014-4-2 04:47 01665 alan2011super3 2014-4-2 04:47
[Manchester, GB] 路過曼徹斯特市中心 ...... samsam690 2014-4-1 07:14 11889 ML29 2014-4-1 22:06
巴黎行第二日之街邊巴黎巴士 alan2011super3 2014-4-1 06:09 01405 alan2011super3 2014-4-1 06:09
乘坐英國First Potteries Optare Solo微巴片段 alan2011super3 2014-3-28 10:36 01391 alan2011super3 2014-3-28 10:36
[LDN, UK] 拱門下.回到過去.回到未來 attachment ML29 2014-3-19 22:40 32641 ML29 2014-3-20 22:09
[TFL, London GB] 不再 ... 不再 ... samsam690 2014-3-20 06:41 11967 GY8940@93A 2014-3-20 21:58
從曼徹斯特而回一嘗National Express塗裝Plaxton豪 alan2011super3 2014-3-20 06:22 01738 alan2011super3 2014-3-20 06:22
Routemaster in Tokyo DR7099@32 2014-3-14 11:37 43263 jc3845 2014-3-18 23:35
[Singapore] Borismaster在新加坡展出情況 attachment digest fp8329 2014-2-8 11:29 74860 busfunfun 2014-3-17 23:24
[Singapore] SMRT 入新捷運配置平治 mak5052 2016-3-10 22:34 22071 admin16 2014-3-17 10:32
[Sheffield, UK]尋找昔日香港情懷 agree Hr1507.hT8280 2014-1-21 21:51 34134 EL8061 2014-3-16 20:39
[Scotland] 氫燃料電池巴士已付運 GW5498 2014-3-16 20:32 02182 GW5498 2014-3-16 20:32
[Denver, CO, US] 右軚四門hybrid + 其他巴士雜攝 (多圖) attachment S3BL100 2014-3-9 14:12 65341 S3BL100 2014-3-13 11:01
[唔知係唔係舊聞] 9號線London Routemaster服務取消 attachment busfunfun 2014-3-11 02:08 11754 頭文字TRIDENT 2014-3-11 02:37
[UK]9/2 Brighton Rail Replacement Bus Service attachment agree HUgo8370 2014-2-9 23:53 52314 busfunfun 2014-3-11 02:36
問新手倫敦影巴士 attachment S3N92 2014-2-8 19:26 41928 busfunfun 2014-3-11 02:23
又一次曼徹斯特影巴士 alan2011super3 2014-3-9 10:53 11640 busfunfun 2014-3-11 01:44
[Courtenay, BC]雪.Dart agree HA3556 2014-3-9 17:18 11691 予琛 2014-3-10 08:10
特見?出走?或錯配? HUgo8370 2014-3-4 05:52 01762 HUgo8370 2014-3-4 05:52
[NZ] Auckland 奧克蘭 巴士雜攝 + Enviro200 內籠相數張 KY5393 2014-2-28 19:39 23050 ausbus 2014-3-3 23:28
[London, GB] 試坐 BYD eBus EB1 agree samsam690 2014-2-27 19:48 74907 hkth 2014-3-3 07:53
[TFL London, GB] Year of the bus 2014 . NB4L LT150 attachment agree samsam690 2014-3-2 07:12 42585 HUgo8370 2014-3-3 00:12
[西雅圖]The Double Tall (20P) agree HA3556 2014-3-2 13:55 01604 HA3556 2014-3-2 13:55
兩代歐三躉行車影片 PKD32 2014-2-27 17:01 22159 PKD32 2014-2-28 23:30
溫哥華掛接車一問 680X 2014-2-21 19:13 31837 AVD1 2014-2-24 15:55
[SYD] STA 又一神獸 Scania N280UB Midi, Volgren CR228 attachment kmb3asv3 2014-2-19 20:07 56177 PKD32 2014-2-23 00:03
[多相] [VN, 越南] 旅遊客車略影 attachment agree LV1012 2014-2-22 01:18 04425 LV1012 2014-2-22 01:18
轉載:匈牙利S3BL DK704_3N133 2014-2-20 15:16 12491 Mandurah__Line 2014-2-20 20:23
英國First Potteries NC豪 34311 alan2011super3 2014-2-19 02:57 01799 alan2011super3 2014-2-19 02:57
倫敦巴士路線牌一問  ...2 予琛 2014-2-12 22:09 133580 wrightap 2014-2-17 03:09
倫敦之行的巴士-第三日篇(含交通博物館巴士展品) attachment  ...2 alan2011super3 2014-2-6 11:05 104792 kmb113 2014-2-16 23:42
Dart attachment HUgo8370 2014-2-15 06:16 31772 yinsss 2014-2-16 17:25
[Victoria,BC] 加拿大首架E200? HA3556 2014-2-14 08:34 22323 AVD1 2014-2-16 15:26
[Video] Hino Blue Ribbon 混動車 basiling 2014-2-12 17:05 11671 GW5498 2014-2-12 19:15
英國E400有新頭型  ...2 kmb3asv3 2014-2-3 08:20 157490 予琛 2014-2-12 19:05
del alan2011super3 2014-2-11 23:38 01062 alan2011super3 2014-2-11 23:38
英國First Potteries"新丁"...要告別老爺車了嗎 alan2011super3 2014-2-11 23:37 01718 alan2011super3 2014-2-11 23:37
倫敦之行的巴士-最後一日篇 alan2011super3 2014-2-7 21:45 51979 GW5498 2014-2-9 09:01
[Others] [MY] RapidKL Iveco Turbocity attachment agree  ...2 SBS9827Z 2014-1-31 09:48 176209 SBS9827Z 2014-2-8 00:08
倫敦之行的巴士-第一日篇 alan2011super3 2014-2-4 10:24 72497 ML29 2014-2-7 22:34
[UK] 最新NB4L中獎者 ML29 2013-12-23 23:46 42371 ML29 2014-2-7 01:03
倫敦之行的巴士-第二日篇(坐BorisMaster同看見RouteMaster) agree alan2011super3 2014-2-5 09:38 42380 ME 2014-2-6 03:13
[UK]Brighton&Hove B9TL & B5LH全集Vol. 1 (401 - 420) HUgo8370 2014-1-26 00:41 42025 starwise 2014-2-3 08:05
[NZ] Auckland 奧克蘭 Enviro200 attachment agree KY5393 2014-1-27 14:30 73120 admin301 2014-2-2 03:10
[Others] 馬六甲BYD之旅 attachment agree  ...2 SBS9827Z 2014-1-26 12:32 136079 PKD32 2014-1-31 21:15
首嘗英國First Potteries高椅背梳化老爺蘭30033 attachment agree alan2011super3 2014-1-24 05:21 93157 KC8249 2014-1-30 01:46
Brighton & Hove B9TL全集最終回!! Vol. 5 (481-490,550,551) HUgo8370 2014-1-28 00:38 01512 HUgo8370 2014-1-28 00:38
Brighton&Hove B9TL & B5LH全集 Vol.2 (421 - 440) attachment agree HUgo8370 2014-1-26 00:44 51955 ML29 2014-1-27 01:27
1994年的英國 attachment agree AD156 2014-1-20 10:50 63034 CMB 2014-1-26 23:44
Brighton&Hove B9TL & B5LH全集 Vol.4 (461 - 480) HUgo8370 2014-1-26 18:31 01406 HUgo8370 2014-1-26 18:31
Brighton&Hove B9TL & B5LH全集 Vol.3 (441 - 460) HUgo8370 2014-1-26 18:27 01307 HUgo8370 2014-1-26 18:27
[Others] [馬來西亞] S&S 新巴士 attachment SBS9827Z 2013-12-29 02:05 84432 SBS9827Z 2014-1-26 12:07
[UK] 2009年的York attachment agree ML29 2014-1-22 00:25 31899 AD156 2014-1-25 09:19
[UK]Brighton僅餘的Dart w/ Plaxton Pointer I agree HUgo8370 2014-1-23 15:49 11779 ME 2014-1-24 02:39
【多圖】馬來西亞布城巴士(回程巴士司機玩電話) PKD32 2014-1-24 00:03 02605 PKD32 2014-1-24 00:03
再戰First Potteries老爺蘭30031 agree  ...2 alan2011super3 2014-1-15 08:52 153703 MM3119@102 2014-1-22 03:00
英國克魯(Crewe)巴士 agree alan2011super3 2014-1-19 00:46 93177 wrightap 2014-1-22 01:21
[NSW, AU] 高級 Railbus... 9042volvo 2014-1-18 23:51 42516 kmb3asv3 2014-1-21 10:44
[London, UK][愚問]特別塗裝既NBfL GW5498 2014-1-20 22:11 21945 wrightap 2014-1-21 01:22
【馬來西亞吉隆坡】在異國找到童年回憶…… PKD32 2014-1-20 19:14 02186 PKD32 2014-1-20 19:14
韓國巴士一問 予琛 2014-1-16 17:34 11750 PKD32 2014-1-19 19:16
[UK] 2009年的Chester attachment agree ML29 2014-1-18 01:23 51704 ME 2014-1-19 03:10
[AU/NSW] Enviro200去向問題 9042volvo 2014-1-18 23:35 01353 9042volvo 2014-1-18 23:35
[UK] 2011年的Brighton attachment agree  ...2 sutrak 2014-1-16 01:15 112825 ME 2014-1-18 04:53
請問這是甚麼型號的Citaro巴士? attachment 予琛 2014-1-16 15:46 42268 CMNL 2014-1-18 00:03
[UK] 2011年的Bath及Bristol attachment agree sutrak 2014-1-17 01:27 11899 ME 2014-1-17 03:10
[UK]2004年的英國 attachment  ...2 ME 2014-1-5 22:32 185390 sutrak 2014-1-17 00:27
[西雅圖]Kitsap Transit入雙層巴士進度 sea1986 2014-1-16 16:10 01501 sea1986 2014-1-16 16:10
[西雅圖] 的的式式,Community Transit BRT30 attachment  ...2 sea1986 2014-1-13 15:15 113151 sea1986 2014-1-16 14:13
【馬來西亞馬六甲】同大陸完全一樣嘅內籠 PKD32 2014-1-15 13:24 02033 PKD32 2014-1-15 13:24
[Others] 馬來西亞, 馬六甲的雙層巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-12-22 13:05 34237 PKD32 2014-1-14 22:25
[SF][轉載]Muni Rebranding Concept (Unofficial) FS1819 2014-1-11 05:23 21896 yuenchiu6 2014-1-14 14:43
【馬來西亞吉隆坡】GOKL 來往Bukit Bintang 的免費觀光巴士 PKD32 2014-1-14 00:17 03645 PKD32 2014-1-14 00:17
[Lethbridge,AB]New Flyer (23p) HA3556 2014-1-7 12:30 02398 HA3556 2014-1-7 12:30
[UK][騷巴士]香港老將 agree FS1819 2013-9-23 09:10 36119 ourbusteam 2014-1-5 14:07
[SYD] 澳洲行 2013 [劣相] attachment hk-12A 2013-12-31 15:52 32101 Busways 2014-1-2 18:47
[BCTransit]X'mas bus HA3556 2014-1-2 14:48 01339 HA3556 2014-1-2 14:48
[SYD] STA 新 Bustech Scania K280UB attachment agree kmb3asv3 2013-12-13 15:59 84787 GW5498 2014-1-1 17:43
英國巴士公司訂單  ...2 680X 2013-12-23 16:27 124923 YoungMan 2013-12-31 13:19
KLCC-Pavillion-Bukit Bintang 的免费巴士 PKD32 2013-12-26 21:42 41997 PKD32 2013-12-30 19:02
西肥バス agree GR614 2013-11-25 21:55 72909 6叔 2013-12-28 02:59
AP69事件- 泰國長途巴士版 jasoncky 2013-12-27 13:38 02322 jasoncky 2013-12-27 13:38
[Vancouver] Articulated wraps (35P!) agree NewFlyer 2013-12-25 12:15 02659 NewFlyer 2013-12-25 12:15
ADL 在馬來西亞設廠 iczer3 2013-12-23 20:36 12337 680X 2013-12-25 00:19
[Singapore] 平安夜 坐男人 睇燈飾 attachment fp8329 2013-12-24 23:07 03022 fp8329 2013-12-24 23:07
[英國]從Conventry帶回來的手信 agree ME 2013-12-16 03:43 63513 ML29 2013-12-24 22:37
arriva嚴重意外 S3N92 2013-12-20 22:47 32446 3357。KS8450 2013-12-23 19:13
[英國]Nottingham數攝 ME 2013-12-23 01:07 01463 ME 2013-12-23 01:07
(曼谷)天然氣平治巴士 agree 區麗芝 2013-12-13 21:24 24052 89B 2013-12-19 00:11
[SYD] 十月大變天(二) - Region 3 attachment agree kmb3asv3 2013-10-29 21:45 43061 gordon 2013-12-17 16:37
[SYD] 好去處推介 3N105 2013-12-11 15:48 62177 iczer3 2013-12-16 14:57
[NOR] Norway Bergen (2/2): 機場、觀光及其他巴士 [24+2 Pics] agree fw1321 2013-12-7 21:29 53012 Mandurah__Line 2013-12-10 20:57
[NOR] Norway Bergen (1/2): Skyss [26 Pics] agree fw1321 2013-11-24 23:37 94879 PKD32 2013-12-9 11:22
[西雅圖]相信係西雅圖首宗E500嚴重車禍 sea1986 2013-11-28 14:27 32870 AVD1 2013-12-8 16:07
伯明翰城坐巴士 agree alan2011super3 2013-11-29 10:17 93415 ME 2013-12-1 21:39
[日本中部] 高山濃飛巴士 Hida Takayama Nohi Bus LV1012 2013-11-28 14:13 24177 BHSE 2013-11-28 22:47
西雅圖有望再現第二間公司用雙層巴(已加圖) agree sea1986 2013-11-13 15:36 73396 93A_S3_6:30am 2013-11-27 23:21
[通告] 【每月主題】活動 admin301 2013-11-23 00:19 11134 admin301 2013-11-27 22:15
[Singapore] Sit Back & See - PZ882U attachment fp8329 2013-11-25 01:08 02629 fp8329 2013-11-25 01:08
問 Depot Museum 開放時間 krausssammy 2013-11-23 12:40 31503 he3543 2013-11-25 00:18
[通告] 轉載文章 / 圖片 / 短片 之注意事項 admin301 2013-3-30 01:42 01692 admin301 2013-11-23 00:22
[通告] B5 版討論範圍 admin301 2013-3-30 01:24 01798 admin301 2013-11-23 00:22
[通告] 標題前請加上區域代號 admin301 2013-3-15 22:25 04572 admin301 2013-11-23 00:22
英國Oswestry Tanat Valley巴士公司 attachment Leuk 2013-11-22 05:37 12076 Leuk 2013-11-22 05:56
[Others] 雙峰塔下的倫敦巴士 attachment agree SBS9827Z 2013-11-19 11:22 43475 dongfeng 2013-11-20 01:02
Brisbane transport fleet andy92 2013-11-17 21:09 11855 亞空 2013-11-18 03:34
Del andy92 2013-11-17 21:02 0906 andy92 2013-11-17 21:02
[London, GB] X'mas red agree samsam690 2013-11-14 04:19 62678 wrightap 2013-11-17 17:20
澳廉署指三間巴士全屬違法經營 士刁拔尼.奧 2013-11-16 00:52 11982 sea1986 2013-11-16 01:02
[LDN] Big Bus AK問題 dongfeng 2013-11-14 10:17 01476 dongfeng 2013-11-14 10:17
(SYD) 請問呢部車係ML幾? 區麗芝 2013-11-3 02:30 42547 iczer3 2013-11-11 19:01
墨爾本古舊巴士 唔知係咪珍寶黎呢? Forensic 2013-11-10 19:46 32375 3357。KS8450 2013-11-10 22:05
[Brisbane]提早退役 [多圖+感想] attachment 亞空 2013-10-28 17:40 53143 亞空 2013-10-29 23:21
[SYD] 十月大變天(一) - Region 1 attachment kmb3asv3 2013-10-29 21:24 01825 kmb3asv3 2013-10-29 21:24
英國First Potteries老爺兩軸老虎豪 attachment agree  ...2 alan2011super3 2013-10-3 08:27 115651 Mandurah__Line 2013-10-27 23:47
英國First Potteries獨一無二二手豪 attachment agree alan2011super3 2013-10-22 22:16 93808 Mandurah__Line 2013-10-25 22:07
[UK] 最新NB4L中獎者 ML29 2013-10-24 23:59 12264 wrightap 2013-10-25 11:51
[Singapore] 熱狗改裝成冷馬 attachment fp8329 2013-10-7 01:23 14164 DK704_3N133 2013-10-23 12:00
曼徹斯特的巴士 agree alan2011super3 2013-10-20 08:24 73517 ME 2013-10-22 22:12
[london]全新歐六volvo B5TL/wright Gemini 3 agree  ...23 wrightap 2013-10-15 10:59 2724377 NV58 2013-10-20 05:24
英國First Potteries老爺早期Volvo Olympian agree  ...2 alan2011super3 2013-10-5 08:01 104137 ME 2013-10-19 05:07
[終於有蘭坐]英國First Potteries ECW車身Leyland Olympian  ...23 alan2011super3 2013-10-10 02:38 216684 ML29 2013-10-18 22:34
西岸都城! attachment he3543 2013-10-13 15:05 93211 GA6072 2013-10-18 15:50
英國First Potteries ALX200車身哈哈笑德仔 attachment agree alan2011super3 2013-10-15 06:58 53464 ME 2013-10-17 05:00
京都市巴士 240SX 2013-10-16 21:42 01389 240SX 2013-10-16 21:42
[英國][獨家試坐]退役後的另一新任務 agree  ...2 ME 2013-10-14 05:33 104716 Mandurah__Line 2013-10-15 19:00
再試坐英國First Potteries巴士路線之兩款單層巴士  ...2 alan2011super3 2013-10-13 09:42 103067 8166NL 2013-10-14 15:57
英國First Potteries另一老爺早期豪+101試坐 alan2011super3 2013-10-8 07:23 73261 TankKingEH9697 2013-10-12 13:55
天然氣康都 agree dongfeng 2013-10-11 14:11 12301 kmb3asv3 2013-10-12 07:47
【連結分享】一個有大量英國新舊巴士相嘅flickr帳戶 LeylandVolvo 2013-10-8 09:38 32112 LeylandVolvo 2013-10-11 08:57
[TYO] 東京空港交通 JA530RAN BHSE 2013-10-5 13:23 22541 BHSE 2013-10-7 14:05
英國First Potteries巴拍 alan2011super3 2013-9-27 07:46 82729 cn2661_2d32 2013-10-5 23:14
[MM] 緬甸仰光公車 Yangon Bus, Myanmar 2015 - Part 1,2,3 digest  ...2 ac 2015-8-6 22:25 1615344 ac 2013-10-5 23:02
[Nippon]京都バス146 lwb701 2013-10-5 00:59 01545 lwb701 2013-10-5 00:59
荷蘭Enschede巴士總站 attachment haiwang 2013-10-4 23:31 01873 haiwang 2013-10-4 23:31
[London TFL, GB] New Bus 4 London attachment agree samsam690 2013-9-30 16:34 12595 wrightap 2013-10-1 02:29
越南閒攝 GK9636 2013-9-22 01:11 42714 MANNL283 2013-9-30 08:38
【蒙古】烏蘭巴托巴士  ...2 volvo_chan 2013-9-28 20:34 106611 MANNL283 2013-9-30 08:32
[問]悉尼巴士 ksmbh 2013-9-20 15:01 92484 iczer3 2013-9-25 22:05
請問呢架車係咩型號?thanks attachment neosan 2013-9-23 22:53 11915 wrightap 2013-9-24 02:42
[London, GB] 2 Night Snap shots samsam690 2013-9-24 00:58 01762 samsam690 2013-9-24 00:58
[SYD]新西蘭RITCHIES K320UD順豐雙層巴士運抵悉尼 17/9/13 加相 attachment agree iczer3 2013-9-9 17:27 65046 iczer3 2013-9-23 20:56
渥太華有架E500巴士同火車硬碰  ...2 rickywk 2013-9-18 23:06 185165 KC7813_ATS64 2013-9-23 17:16
[卑斯維多利亞] 橙汁E400 + E500 + 牛奶糖都普躉 attachment  ...2 sea1986 2013-7-4 09:52 187822 AVD1 2013-9-19 10:45
[Brisbane]Brisbane RDP(?)出爐 (17/9更新: 將於14/10 進行第2輪重組)  ...2345 亞空 2013-3-11 23:37 429541 tofu 2013-9-18 21:00
北美新版E500樣版再現西雅圖 sea1986 2013-9-18 09:58 02357 sea1986 2013-9-18 09:58
[New York] BYD K9 kevinyao 2013-9-15 12:55 63758 NA4179x賢 2013-9-17 01:29
[AL] 走進阿爾巴尼亞 attachment agree fw1321 2013-9-11 04:38 03283 fw1321 2013-9-11 04:38
[TH] 新"泰"之旅3--曼谷巴士的中堅份子 (多圖) DC5 2013-8-26 22:30 44051 PKD32 2013-9-6 23:20
[北韓] 各款遊覽車 / 校車 agree  ...23 BHSE 2013-8-26 17:19 239719 238X 2013-9-5 23:28
[英國]近期退役的巴士  ...2 ME 2013-9-1 20:37 125193 gordon 2013-9-5 18:53
[VN, 越南]河內市公共巴士 LV1012 2013-8-24 22:02 75586 gordon 2013-9-5 18:49
[朝鮮] 2011 年夏季的平壤市 agree  ...2 fw1321 2013-8-28 04:22 157600 BHSE 2013-9-4 12:46
重貼:當倫敦遇上悉尼 attachment smal 2013-8-31 23:32 12071 Mandurah__Line 2013-9-1 13:26
英國坐巴士愚問 914 2013-8-23 22:13 32104 Mandurah__Line 2013-8-28 08:02
RIP...雲頂黄巴士嚴重致命意外~ attachment 89B 2013-8-22 06:03 84772 93A_S3_6:30am 2013-8-26 15:01
[JP]sapporo 巴士喔 hanghangxD 2013-8-26 13:36 01666 hanghangxD 2013-8-26 13:36
[北韓] 平壤無軌電車 agree BHSE 2013-8-22 11:05 25427 Mandurah__Line 2013-8-23 00:00
[JP] 白川鄕特急 agree basiling 2013-8-4 06:43 73793 sq285 2013-8-20 18:21
[SYD] STA 將會有15架Mercedes Benz O405NH退役 attachment  ...23 kmb3asv3 2013-7-24 21:41 205906 kmb3asv3 2013-8-19 21:46
[TH] 新"泰"之旅1--曼谷BRT DC5 2013-8-14 01:07 33592 OTIS401 2013-8-15 19:04
[JP] Hino? Isuzu? basiling 2013-8-10 14:35 23559 PKD32 2013-8-15 18:48
[JP] 日本四國巴士 agree chiwai 2013-7-17 23:15 12450 cky 2013-8-15 17:00
[Germany] [D] 德國巴士案內 attachment ryulky 2013-8-1 01:40 65588 abh 2013-8-14 08:47
新"泰"之旅2--曼谷重生的前新捷運O405及申龍CNG DC5 2013-8-14 01:28 02234 DC5 2013-8-14 01:28
[LDN]新一輪NBfL中獎者 nickk 2013-8-7 08:05 52417 ML29 2013-8-8 23:49
[GB] Top Gear "介紹" New Routemaster PS8851@182 2013-8-8 15:38 02134 PS8851@182 2013-8-8 15:38
前九巴S3BL1現況 KC8249 2013-8-2 18:47 23469 blueblue 2013-8-3 23:27
[Seattle] Community Transit 17部新E500 2015年到埗 sea1986 2013-8-1 10:38 42104 iczer3 2013-8-2 07:39
London遊一問 S3V15 2013-7-29 01:38 21611 HS6573_MP3905 2013-7-30 01:11
[GB] BBC Documentary:Route Masters Running London's Roads Nightbus  ...2 CX889 2013-6-26 21:54 126105 Mandurah__Line 2013-7-23 23:14
[JP] 關西雜攝 (多圖) agree HV7025 2013-7-22 22:14 02526 HV7025 2013-7-22 22:14
[Brisbane Transport] VOLVO B12B andy92 2013-7-20 18:48 22295 iczer3 2013-7-21 23:30
[JP] 日本九州巴士 chiwai 2013-7-20 20:00 01826 chiwai 2013-7-20 20:00
九州巴士 agree DY8711 2013-7-1 09:34 22420 DY8711 2013-7-20 13:58
[VIC]少數民族 agree CTB626-HE8132 2013-7-19 21:06 22617 CTB626-HE8132 2013-7-20 11:14
[GB] Liverpool to Chester CRH5 2013-7-18 03:04 11827 ate7 2013-7-18 23:19
[AU] Brisbane + Sydney 巴士雜影 (多圖) attachment agree fw1321 2013-7-6 01:46 43689 kmb3asv3 2013-7-17 16:04
[New York, NY USA] Skyline Sightseeing Enviro400 agree gakei 2013-7-16 11:25 42210 gakei 2013-7-17 04:39
日本關東地區巴士 (栃木, 群馬, 東京) DY8711 2013-7-14 16:31 02165 DY8711 2013-7-14 16:31
[Victoria, BC] Enviro 400 + ex-Seattle Enviro 500 agree NewFlyer 2013-6-30 13:49 34901 iczer3 2013-7-9 06:22
[GB]英國低地台巴士的始祖 attachment ME 2013-7-7 05:49 13349 ate7 2013-7-7 20:09
日本東北巴士(青森,秋田,岩手) DY8711 2013-7-7 11:14 05145 DY8711 2013-7-7 11:14
[NL]Amsterdam bus cheungtszfung 2013-7-2 00:42 11825 ME 2013-7-7 05:33
英國倫敦巴士幾問 HS6573_MP3905 2013-7-2 02:25 42658 Megabus 2013-7-5 16:25
[NL]Rotterdam (鹿特丹)巴士 agree cheungtszfung 2013-6-30 01:14 32692 ML29 2013-7-3 22:37
[Others] [JB, Malaysia] Benz雙層巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-7-2 22:43 02719 fp8329 2013-7-2 22:43
[Others] [MY] 棺材巴士 agree SBS9827Z 2013-6-23 12:13 84369 volvo2000 2013-7-1 00:41
[Others] [JB, Malaysia] 車頭擺滿毛公仔的巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-6-30 11:36 53255 DN9832 2013-6-30 23:06
[Others] [JB, Malaysia] Causeway Link - LM1 to Legoland attachment fp8329 2013-6-16 22:32 24366 ccicoltd 2013-6-30 13:12
[BCTransit] Transit future bus(8003)in Courtenay HA3556 2013-6-28 09:20 01660 HA3556 2013-6-28 09:20
西班牙巴士 agree 3ASV196 2013-6-2 10:06 54368 fokvictor 2013-6-24 13:36
MCV Volvo B9TL agree SBS9827Z 2013-6-23 22:04 05339 SBS9827Z 2013-6-23 22:04
Causeway Link CW-3 S3N92 2013-6-23 10:52 02116 S3N92 2013-6-23 10:52
[MY] RapidKuantan 關丹快捷通 K250UB agree SBS9827Z 2013-6-22 12:17 44677 ksmbh 2013-6-23 01:14
[Others] [MY] 甘榜屋巴士 agree SBS9827Z 2013-6-23 00:50 02341 SBS9827Z 2013-6-23 00:50
[JP] 日本國的進口車 attachment Marlboro 2013-4-23 06:01 74833 cn2661_2d32 2013-6-22 20:07
[Tokyo]東京巴士案內 agree iczer3 2013-6-3 17:43 74703 HV9990 2013-6-19 18:47
[Others] [MY] 柔佛新山 Dennis Lance attachment agree SBS9827Z 2013-6-16 16:25 34001 SBS9827Z 2013-6-17 23:12
[華盛頓州]再多一間公司考慮引入E500 (15/6補充消息) agree sea1986 2013-6-10 09:31 12639 FS1819 2013-6-17 19:38
[Others] 馬來西亞的Dennis Dart attachment agree fp8329 2013-6-15 18:53 44124 SBS9827Z 2013-6-16 20:16
[GB] First Essex Volvo 7900 agree SBS9827Z 2013-6-16 18:27 02267 SBS9827Z 2013-6-16 18:27
[Others] [Johor Bahru, Malaysia] 505號巴士 attachment agree fp8329 2013-6-9 11:29 32901 fp8329 2013-6-12 23:55
[Singapore] Volgren 豬 attachment MP7638 2013-6-10 12:36 23870 ahmingchan 2013-6-12 22:04
台場至羽田空港 attachment barca_399 2013-6-11 17:13 22555 barca_399 2013-6-12 14:07
[YVR]10年前既今日 agree kmb3asv141 2013-6-7 08:46 42263 AVD1 2013-6-9 07:58
[YVR]Translink NewFlyer Xcelsior XDE60首航 attachment  ...23 kmb3asv141 2013-5-1 13:18 2210590 billlmf 2013-6-8 07:33
[BNE] Cultural Centre 路過閒攝 星惡魔-傑 2013-6-3 21:36 01564 星惡魔-傑 2013-6-3 21:36
[New York, NY USA] New Bus for London syp 2013-5-16 14:34 54072 kevinyao 2013-6-2 01:50
Big Bus San Francisco ex KMB Leyland Olympian 11m agree stephy~hn2195 2013-5-30 11:56 16943 93A_S3_6:30am 2013-5-30 22:47
[AU] 新安凱下船 agree iczer3 2013-4-22 18:15 24118 Enviroate2009 2013-5-27 00:39
[MEL]終於回來, City-Sightseeing attachment CTB626-HE8132 2013-5-19 11:35 93856 g544jacky 2013-5-24 17:25
問東京Hatobus 現役車隊 iczer3 2013-5-21 14:58 01584 iczer3 2013-5-21 14:58
[CDF][即日]「老」虎 FS1819 2013-5-16 21:56 32220 sunnykam 2013-5-20 00:15
[Yangon + Mandalay + Bagan] Buses in Burma (Photos + Video) agree NewFlyer 2013-5-10 18:39 65854 89B 2013-5-19 02:30
2011年6月的馬爾他 - 棍波飛標 attachment agree sutrak 2013-5-17 15:07 45385 sutrak 2013-5-18 03:10
[CDF]富有日本風味 FS1819 2013-5-16 21:51 02148 FS1819 2013-5-16 21:51
[YVR]Banner China Style  ...23456 kmb3asv141 2013-5-3 12:11 5811481 AVD1 2013-5-13 13:58
[New York, NY USA]Alexander Dennis Enviro400 attachment kevinyao 2013-5-11 12:32 33501 art0925 2013-5-13 11:56
西雅圖有機會入新E500 agree  ...2 sea1986 2013-4-30 10:25 114360 art0925 2013-5-8 16:31
VOLVO 7900同7900Hybrid落F1場 GA6072 2013-5-5 23:51 32941 GA6072 2013-5-6 22:08
BYD K9巴士生產工廠落成 EX-TL 2013-5-5 02:01 34442 petcity 2013-5-5 12:22
[YVR]紀念Sita kmb3asv141 2013-5-5 08:18 02390 kmb3asv141 2013-5-5 08:18
[London, GB] First 2013reg. Volvo 7900 Hybrid agree samsam690 2013-4-29 16:57 23006 FS1819 2013-5-5 07:49
[Sydney, AU] 香港好難畀到嘅澎湃車聲.STA富豪B7RLE  ...2 STA4804 2013-3-6 09:57 166126 peterkl 2013-4-30 22:03
[AU] BOYs 9042volvo 2013-4-19 23:35 32254 CTB626-HE8132 2013-4-28 16:26
[SYD]巧遇CDC Bustech CDi 雙層試車 iczer3 2013-4-25 17:21 22851 iczer3 2013-4-26 18:31
[London, GB] London United MCV bodied B9TL attachment samsam690 2013-4-25 03:38 22631 wrightap 2013-4-25 23:17
[轉載] Go Transit 新版E500 attachment  ...23 sea1986 2013-4-20 11:12 239290 AV385 2013-4-23 09:45
英國新巴 (First Bus) 可能即將退出倫敦巴士業務  ...2 Busways 2013-4-10 14:51 166828 Busways 2013-4-22 22:11
[JP] 四軸怪物 attachment agree  ...2 basiling 2013-4-13 22:03 147549 東京都營 2013-4-22 18:09
HKT kokchun 2013-4-19 19:53 32258 fokvictor 2013-4-21 15:45
[SYD-AU] STA最新神獸 - Bustech MDI attachment kmb3asv3 2013-4-13 12:08 33788 PKD32 2013-4-15 23:36
[Vienna, AUT] 維也納市內數攝 agree fw1321 2013-4-15 22:45 01731 fw1321 2013-4-15 22:45
英國 或 倫敦 仲有冇丹尼士巨龍 (吉拿巨龍十一米) lolo_login 2013-3-24 01:32 74334 cktse 2013-4-15 10:24
[Others] [Butterworth, Malaysia] Rapid Penang在北海市使用的車型 attachment fp8329 2013-3-9 21:21 34276 fkteng 2013-4-11 18:00
E200 LHD dongfeng 2013-3-30 11:16 33771 alx500 2013-4-11 07:04
[缅甸-Bus Shot] 仰光昂山素姬住所附近既前日韓二手巴士 attachment agree 89B 2013-4-3 23:13 66371 89B 2013-4-8 04:08
[Baltimore, MD, US]Charm City Circulator及MTA Maryland劣攝 S3BL100 2013-3-28 00:02 82949 Sin_11876 2013-4-8 01:15
[Washington DC, US] BigBus色E500 + BigBus Ayats agree  ...2 S3BL100 2013-3-18 10:44 126875 S3BL100 2013-4-3 00:59
[北美]美加各地城市巴士(多圖) agree kmb3asv141 2013-3-4 13:29 23632 kmb3asv141 2013-4-1 10:58
[MY] 馬來西亞 納閩 agree GK9636 2013-3-23 18:34 12525 PKD32 2013-3-29 20:43
[GB]已停產的 Scania Omnidekka ME 2013-3-24 05:44 63374 DGCNYO 2013-3-28 22:57
[NZ] 轉載- 奧克蘭Scania K320UD順豐車身 雙層巴士+ 短片  ...2 iczer3 2013-2-26 19:52 199906 admin301 2013-3-28 12:57
[UK] To people around Southampton (About KMB new bus) GNZ9068 2013-3-16 10:38 63891 busbustong 2013-3-21 17:42
[JPN]京都巴士 attachment agree  ...2 cheungtszfung 2013-2-11 22:27 145839 KV5308 2013-3-13 22:11
[Others] [Penang, Malaysia] Rapid Penang在檳城島使用的車型 attachment fp8329 2013-3-12 00:14 12563 89B 2013-3-12 21:36
[GB][新聞]一日内3單巴士意外 ME 2013-3-12 03:40 12068 wrightap 2013-3-12 06:18
[Germany] 班貝格水鄉 藍天下的單層巴士 derekli0126 2013-3-9 22:14 22428 derekli0126 2013-3-11 16:38
[Istanbul] Buses Buses Buses hkskyline 2013-3-10 22:15 21848 abh 2013-3-11 07:25
[NI, UK / IRE] 2013 Irish Bus & Coach Rally 邀請函 GNZ9068 2013-3-8 10:00 01798 GNZ9068 2013-3-8 10:00
[GB][megabus]新車/假雙層車ELITE i agree  ...2 wrightap 2013-3-2 11:56 136572 oman 2013-3-6 15:03
[SYD,AU] 再見 M.A.N. SL202 9042volvo 2013-3-3 00:27 52679 gordon 2013-3-4 11:34
[JP] 沖繩閒攝 agree GK9636 2013-2-28 20:33 12142 peterpan 2013-3-1 14:23
[Male, Maldives]馬爾代夫首都馬列的公共巴士 attachment eric278 2012-12-30 02:30 44198 DGCNYO 2013-2-27 19:15
[MEL] 帶有悉尼TNSW色Enviro200現身Melbourne CTB626-HE8132 2013-2-10 16:04 84835 CTB626-HE8132 2013-2-27 11:41
[London, UK] Museum Depot內之古典巴士! agree volvo_chan 2013-2-25 17:48 33505 wrightap 2013-2-26 08:35
[Brisbane]仲係唔洗$既Pre-Paid Service[多相] 亞空 2013-2-24 14:12 22450 亞空 2013-2-25 22:09
[RUS]Bus Driver Dubbed "Teacher of Teachers" FS1819 2013-2-25 06:24 01513 FS1819 2013-2-25 06:24
雙門版plaxton primo? 3asv6 2013-2-23 20:06 11924 GNZ9068 2013-2-24 01:56
[Australia]2011年澳洲旅行之劣攝巴士 attachment Aeon802 2013-2-22 12:00 42004 Aeon802 2013-2-22 19:31
[Brisbane]壞車了[劣相] 亞空 2013-2-21 21:12 11762 CTB626-HE8132 2013-2-22 12:23
[Singapore] 文禮熱狗系列1 - sv182M attachment fp8329 2013-2-19 20:45 12229 petcity 2013-2-19 22:11
[Germany] 威斯巴登 巴士幾攝 derekli0126 2013-2-18 21:29 02120 derekli0126 2013-2-18 21:29
〔怪車〕一部Atlantean用恆星軸?! 3asv6 2013-2-17 01:15 23151 hkaiw 2013-2-17 15:30
長崎巴士 basiling 2013-2-17 12:04 01787 basiling 2013-2-17 12:04
[Narnia] [NI] The Uni-Link of Belfast agree GNZ9068 2013-2-14 03:24 01980 GNZ9068 2013-2-14 03:24
轉 載 - More S3BL for USA iczer3 2013-2-12 09:36 13024 93A_S3_6:30am 2013-2-14 00:36
[London, GB]London United的亞歷山大丹尼士巴士 attachment PV4394 2013-2-9 00:52 43470 PV4394 2013-2-13 04:22
[NEC, GB] 三個月前雜攝:舊瓶新酒巴士展 agree HW8373 2013-2-9 10:23 95073 wrightap 2013-2-12 19:39
[MEL,AU] Titan @ Melbourne City Sightseening attachment agree g544jacky 2013-1-26 20:53 94420 CTB626-HE8132 2013-2-10 16:42
[Others] [Kampar, Malaysia] 馬來西亞金寶市巴士總站 attachment fp8329 2013-1-19 21:45 45908 89B 2013-2-10 07:16
[NI,GB]北愛爾蘭Translink, Volvo B7TL, Alexander Dennis ALX400 attachment PV4394 2013-2-2 21:26 53062 GNZ9068 2013-2-6 15:40
[MELB]當E500遇上Fleetline和Metroliner agree CTB626-HE8132 2013-1-29 15:09 04168 CTB626-HE8132 2013-1-29 15:09
[YVR]New Flyer Xcelsior D40LF  ...2 kmb3asv141 2012-12-31 12:46 136145 kmb3asv141 2013-1-28 13:26
[Video]Designline x Man basiling 2013-1-27 12:58 11699 iczer3 2013-1-27 21:20
[West Midland, GB] 似曾相識、早期後置引擎巴士車身靈感所在 agree HW8373 2012-11-25 00:44 34909 EN1504-201 2013-1-27 03:18
[Brisbane]BT準備開新CityGlider? attachment 亞空 2012-12-12 15:37 73297 kitakaze089 2013-1-26 21:05
[London, GB] 永恆經典的巴士‧AEC Routemaster! agree  ...2 volvo_chan 2013-1-20 21:33 116348 DGCNYO 2013-1-25 22:22
[Germany] [Euro/德國]世界巴士巡禮-德國漢堡火車站前 attachment 89B 2013-1-22 20:32 12678 89B 2013-1-22 21:00
[Surrey, GB] 兩部中巴 PD3/4 姊妹 agree HW8373 2013-1-21 01:38 13412 ME 2013-1-21 05:01
[Somerset, GB]First Somerset and Avon, Volvo B9TL, Wright Body PV4394 2013-1-19 02:54 01642 PV4394 2013-1-19 02:54
[Somerset, GB]First Somerset and Avon, Volvo B9TL, Wright Body attachment PV4394 2013-1-19 02:48 01506 PV4394 2013-1-19 02:48
[Others] [Taiping, Malaysia] 馬來西亞太平市的巴士總站 attachment fp8329 2013-1-13 22:23 23393 fp8329 2013-1-14 23:27
[Somerset, GB]First Somerset and Avon, Dennis Dart SLF attachment PV4394 2013-1-13 02:53 32721 GNZ9068 2013-1-14 17:39
[NI,GB]北愛爾蘭Translink, Volvo B7RLE,Wright body attachment PV4394 2013-1-5 05:23 63108 GNZ9068 2013-1-14 05:09
[NI,GB]北愛爾蘭Translink, Leyland Tiger attachment agree  ...2 PV4394 2012-12-24 05:58 164723 GNZ9068 2013-1-13 04:58
[NI,GB]北愛爾蘭Translink, Volvo B7RLE, Alexander Dennis Enviro 300 attachment agree  ...23 PV4394 2013-1-4 00:33 247112 HE7921 2013-1-13 03:09
請問有沒有人有外國巴士的巴士路線圖可以提供? rainbownight 2013-1-9 02:14 82616 GNZ9068 2013-1-13 02:35
[Others] [Kuala Kangsar,Malaysia] 馬來西亞江沙市的巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-1-13 01:36 02299 fp8329 2013-1-13 01:36
2013 Showbus搬地方展覽 on11358 2012-12-7 03:38 64123 GNZ9068 2013-1-10 15:12
[轉貼]Eurobus exhibition ADL宣傳片 tonyyang 2013-1-10 01:22 01745 tonyyang 2013-1-10 01:22
[London, GB] New Bus for London! agree  ...23 volvo_chan 2013-1-5 21:29 208849 petcity 2013-1-7 21:52
[NI,GB]北愛爾蘭Translink, Volvo B9TL, Wright Body. attachment PV4394 2013-1-5 03:34 12162 GNZ9068 2013-1-7 05:32
LDN: 2nd MCV Evolution d/d volvo B9TL enters service attachment  ...2 yblumann 2012-12-20 19:32 136218 GNZ9068 2013-1-7 05:30
[Others] [Ipoh, Malaysia] 馬來西亞怡保市的巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-1-6 00:26 13237 89B 2013-1-6 19:48
[Others] [Malaysia] Five stars tour - 雙層MAN attachment fp8329 2013-1-5 18:12 33393 93A_S3_6:30am 2013-1-6 00:36
[North Yorkshire, GB] 乘車報告:Coastliner 840/X40 agree volvo_chan 2012-12-25 03:09 97979 ML29 2013-1-4 20:35
beijing bus NO.16 attachment ngongping360 2012-12-29 09:55 12193 PKD32 2013-1-4 15:00
[LDN]Production MCV-bodied B9TL? FS1819 2012-12-29 11:08 32506 iczer3 2012-12-30 18:50
[SYD] 森林巴士閒攝 (12/2012) attachment kmb3asv3 2012-12-28 20:19 62094 kmb3asv3 2012-12-30 15:32
DEL Sorry FS1819 2012-12-29 11:00 0998 FS1819 2012-12-29 11:00
渥太華首宗雙層巴士意外(CBC報導)  ...2 art0925 2012-12-23 17:32 155747 sea1986 2012-12-28 22:26
[Singapore] 當市區還有熱狗時...... attachment fp8329 2012-12-27 18:28 01981 fp8329 2012-12-27 18:28
[Dresden, DE] OMSI 迷必看 attachment agree franco26 2012-12-23 03:48 42921 DGCNYO 2012-12-27 13:39
[Manchester, GB] 繼續似曾相識,SM1 姊妹車 agree HW8373 2012-12-20 00:47 13681 franco26 2012-12-23 03:33
[YVR]三條五 - Port Mann Express billlmf 2012-12-2 10:22 53060 kmb3asv141 2012-12-15 02:20
[NSW, AU] 小男人 Mini M.A.N. attachment 9042volvo 2012-12-4 16:36 22933 cmkmichael 2012-12-8 13:02
[Exeter, GB] 老一輩港人都熟悉的第一代後置引擎巴士 agree  ...2 HW8373 2012-11-10 01:44 147823 gordon 2012-12-3 16:05
倫敦是否冇晒volvo olympain?  ...23 ma2 2012-9-26 03:49 248825 tomchen 2012-12-1 21:22
[Brisbane] Griffith Shuttle - BLK 請勿下車 2012-11-25 18:10 42439 zto305 2012-11-30 00:27
[Manchester, GB] 佢似曾相識,有著城巴 D1-D6 影子 agree HW8373 2012-11-21 08:19 45182 franco26 2012-11-24 17:29
[London-Midland, GB] 橫跨三代港人都熟悉的第一代後置引擎巴士 agree HW8373 2012-11-21 05:44 34540 franco26 2012-11-24 03:27
[YVR]西溫1995 NewFlyer D40LF巡禮(多圖)  ...23 kmb3asv141 2012-11-3 16:27 276623 kmb3asv141 2012-11-22 05:53
OC Transpo driver sent to hospital after exhaust leak on new double-decker bus art0925 2012-11-18 01:17 72628 bnr34 2012-11-20 23:18
八十後環遊世界節目介紹杜拜巴士 attachment hkaiw 2012-9-21 23:44 34679 ap132 2012-11-19 16:57
[問Question] 關島巴士現況? Bus in Guam Currently? blueblue 2012-11-3 19:54 82948 king 2012-11-18 00:40
馬來西亞新山拉慶總站 attachment agree  ...2 FBI2 2012-11-13 15:20 106803 rainbowbus 2012-11-17 22:27
[SYD,AU] 全紅的藍戰士 (6P) agree 9042volvo 2012-11-14 18:07 12253 DA32EM4321 2012-11-15 20:03
[FB轉載]Plaxton Elite i is revealed agree  ...2 tonyyang 2012-11-6 07:14 104151 wrightap 2012-11-7 08:04
[USa] Vanhool 300L & NABI LFW attachment hkalankc 2012-9-22 16:29 53115 ATE2 2012-11-6 21:37
[MEL]Denning Gold Phoenix雙層客車 agree CTB626-HE8132 2012-11-6 13:02 02835 CTB626-HE8132 2012-11-6 13:02
[New York] Hurricane Sandy kevinyao 2012-11-5 04:12 01435 kevinyao 2012-11-5 04:12
香港三軸利蘭勇闖三藩市金門橋(附金門橋短片) attachment digest agree  ...23 FBI2 2012-8-25 19:47 2615410 sea1986 2012-11-2 08:49
[York, GB] Transdev Leyland and Coastliner attachment agree franco26 2012-10-27 17:38 43064 franco26 2012-10-30 03:56
[Hawaii] Aloha~ 給日本遊客的11米開頂Enviro 400 attachment agree  ...2 DD2113 2012-10-21 19:59 107659 DD2113 2012-10-29 22:43
[Norwich, GB] 雜攝 [多圖] agree HW8373 2012-10-15 06:37 14943 ME 2012-10-29 04:32
沖繩巴士2-真正的沖繩巴士 attachment agree ksmbh 2012-10-28 21:41 12904 BHSE 2012-10-28 23:08
LM10英國重生記錄 (多圖) digest agree  ...2 cktse 2012-10-21 03:41 1017731 93A_S3_6:30am 2012-10-28 16:10
[UK] EX CMB LM 10近照 agree tommyyip010 2012-10-23 02:34 17168 93A_S3_6:30am 2012-10-28 15:53
點解在英國保留的volvo ailsa 408型的引擎聲係雞車聲音? ma2 2012-9-15 15:15 83684 franco26 2012-10-27 17:23
[Europe] Liechtenstein Bus agree volvo_chan 2012-10-20 23:25 75656 PKD32 2012-10-26 22:09
[半手機相][Brisbane]CityGlider=60!? 亞空 2012-10-14 21:46 01794 亞空 2012-10-14 21:46
[SYD] 是日RailBus --Transdev Bustech Iveco 140 attachment g544jacky 2012-10-14 20:58 01912 g544jacky 2012-10-14 20:58
Manchester 還有沒有前香港巴士? 3AV120 2012-10-13 22:38 32563 3AV120 2012-10-14 13:39
[London, GB] New members for Go-Ahead Putney depot agree samsam690 2012-10-14 01:59 12055 ME 2012-10-14 04:05
[Manchester, GB] 已棄用的M-Benz Citaro G? volvo_chan 2012-10-13 23:43 12635 ME 2012-10-14 00:18
沖繩巴士1-老三菱跑的長途路線 attachment agree ksmbh 2012-9-17 23:50 24600 ksmbh 2012-10-12 22:23
[London TFL, GB] Stagecoach M-B Citaro agree samsam690 2012-10-6 09:34 43120 ME 2012-10-8 00:14
[墨爾本] 巴士取消 遺棄老弱傷殘 希望街變絕望街 attachment Kaix 2012-9-28 00:34 33499 WR309 2012-10-6 14:29
[轉] 全球最長巴士 30米長256個座位  ...2 Seiko 2012-9-1 15:25 178341 tvcc 2012-10-4 23:14
[N.IRE] Question: Where can I spot them? GNZ9068 2012-9-14 20:16 32308 y1642004 2012-10-3 16:10
Buses in Alaska BN8433 2012-10-3 02:42 22206 BN8433 2012-10-3 15:27
[Kingston upon Thames, GB] The latest 'KU London' Uni bus agree samsam690 2012-9-27 03:40 01972 samsam690 2012-9-27 03:40
[GB] London set for more "Borismasters" attachment NV58 2012-9-21 04:02 22658 starwise 2012-9-25 00:08
吉隆坡影車幾問 區麗芝 2012-9-23 23:25 01869 LV1012 2012-9-24 16:43
[通告] 版主請辭通告 admin15 2012-9-21 03:18 01243 admin15 2012-9-21 03:18
{SYD}昨日廠相, 昨晚退 #426 (ML22) attachment agree iczer3 2012-9-8 20:03 64002 9042volvo 2012-9-17 22:16
[AU, NSW, SYD.] City Sightseeing Sydney MCW #320 9042volvo 2012-9-14 23:02 42821 9042volvo 2012-9-16 21:56
[MY] DELIMA express LV1012 2012-9-14 18:27 02107 LV1012 2012-9-14 18:27
[SYD] Transdev 新Bustech VST Iveco attachment kmb3asv3 2012-8-31 20:05 22744 STA4804 2012-9-12 21:54
[SYD]雙層Busways Bustech CDI首日航 attachment agree  ...2 kmb3asv3 2012-8-27 10:26 107061 9042volvo 2012-9-12 21:34
溫哥華公交雜攝 attachment agree  ...2 FBI2 2012-8-25 19:32 165317 8512-RA5267 2012-9-12 19:31
OC Transpo Enviro 500 (8011) Updated: Picture of 8004 added (10 Sep 2012) attachment  ...2 art0925 2012-8-20 09:21 139943 art0925 2012-9-10 18:04
[YVR]全新Chevrolet泠氣汽油小巴  ...2 billlmf 2012-9-1 06:32 104634 art0925 2012-9-10 12:52
RIP agree nwfb1001 2012-9-8 19:45 01806 nwfb1001 2012-9-8 19:45
[SYD] 疑似 City Sightseeing 雙層巴士著火焚燬無人傷 Busways 2012-9-7 23:20 43276 hn8024 2012-9-8 08:17
London bus discussion board iambighead 2012-9-7 18:02 01779 iambighead 2012-9-7 18:02
[MY] Rapid Penang Scania K270 attachment BHSE 2012-9-6 15:16 03426 BHSE 2012-9-6 15:16
星馬跨界班車 雙層長途巴士 attachment BHSE 2012-9-3 00:50 04828 BHSE 2012-9-3 00:50
三藩市靚車雜攝(有M仔,VANHOOL和TITAN) attachment agree FBI2 2012-8-28 22:59 12928 amtrak 2012-8-31 20:03
[IND] Volvo B7R - 9400 特里凡得瑯 - 阿勒皮 簡單遊記 attachment agree BHSE 2012-8-23 12:47 43714 GR614 2012-8-30 21:28
LDN OLY: from Beijing- in Chinese!!! attachment yblumann 2012-8-17 00:39 93753 blueblue 2012-8-30 11:06
Troliga Sirius又一妨 "新Routemaster"例子. 3asv6 2012-8-25 15:58 32922 gordon 2012-8-28 13:37
伊斯坦堡的單層巴士大雜會(下) attachment Phoenix 2012-8-23 22:12 02829 Phoenix 2012-8-23 22:12
有關馬來西亞馬六甲市觀光巴士現況及一些問題 LV1012 2012-8-14 14:31 42493 fkteng 2012-8-23 17:50
[SYD]8輛雙層巴士將試行悉尼北區路線 iczer3 2012-8-23 12:33 02348 iczer3 2012-8-23 12:33
伊斯坦堡的單層巴士大雜會(上) attachment Phoenix 2012-8-20 00:59 23228 abh 2012-8-21 06:26
[Brisbane]Don't just think! Do 亞空 2012-8-20 15:38 01730 亞空 2012-8-20 15:38
土耳其首都的某個街口 attachment agree Phoenix 2012-8-16 01:02 93674 KW9192 2012-8-19 20:25
〔JO〕呢部唔係"魚塘"?! 3asv6 2012-8-18 14:02 32523 DGCNYO 2012-8-19 16:57
LDN OLY: Park & Ride - Ulster bus attachment yblumann 2012-8-16 23:54 32344 ML29 2012-8-17 23:29
[奧地利]薩爾斯堡的古老graf&stift單層巴士 EN1504-201 2012-8-17 03:53 13287 johnshum 2012-8-17 05:07
LDN Oly: double decks rtes 108 132 attachment yblumann 2012-8-17 00:26 12227 franco26 2012-8-17 01:26
LDN OLY: normal services- route D8 attachment yblumann 2012-8-17 00:11 02164 yblumann 2012-8-17 00:11
LDN Oly: Park and ride- part 2 attachment yblumann 2012-8-16 23:50 01623 yblumann 2012-8-16 23:50
LDN Olympics: Park and Ride Services attachment yblumann 2012-8-16 23:46 11729 yblumann 2012-8-16 23:48
LDN: Olympics: the shuttle services attachment yblumann 2012-8-16 23:38 01880 yblumann 2012-8-16 23:38
LDN Olympics- the story -buses- part 1 yblumann 2012-8-16 23:26 01678 yblumann 2012-8-16 23:26
[MELB]COFFE BREAK CTB626-HE8132 2012-8-15 18:51 01590 CTB626-HE8132 2012-8-15 18:51
[MELB]一照三鏢 agree CTB626-HE8132 2012-8-14 15:22 01873 CTB626-HE8132 2012-8-14 15:22
[貼圖]Stagecoach Olympian attachment ME 2012-8-12 23:20 73111 wrightap 2012-8-14 02:03
[IND] Ashok Leyland Viking 簡單乘車經歷 attachment  ...23 BHSE 2012-8-7 19:09 207567 abh 2012-8-13 21:37
[Brisbane]世事偏偏係咁[多相] agree 亞空 2012-8-13 17:49 01950 亞空 2012-8-13 17:49
以色列巴士 (多圖) modelcollector 2012-8-11 12:40 73309 iczer3 2012-8-12 07:45
[Brisbane]見到咁應唔應該報警好=_=" 亞空 2012-8-9 19:57 52526 請勿下車 2012-8-11 13:48
[Singapore] 今早目标 attachment SBS9827Z 2012-8-10 12:27 12257 petcity 2012-8-10 23:33
[Brisbane]全廣vs無添加 亞空 2012-8-10 17:01 01535 亞空 2012-8-10 17:01
[FWD]First Omnidekka withdrawn? ME 2012-8-9 04:38 42237 wrightap 2012-8-10 01:34
[AUS] Bustech CDi 雙層巴士消息數則 iczer3 2012-8-4 07:43 52932 亞空 2012-8-8 11:11
[Brisbane]UQ Open Day[多相] agree 亞空 2012-8-7 11:14 22071 亞空 2012-8-8 11:03
[Whistler, BC] The Dark Knight Rises NewFlyer 2012-8-8 10:59 01480 NewFlyer 2012-8-8 10:59
LM10 now preserved in the UK agree  ...234 DA50 2012-7-23 07:41 3211810 gordon 2012-8-7 14:34
Request photo of Bus with UK flag and UK MM2 Bus iambighead 2012-8-7 10:46 01926 iambighead 2012-8-7 10:46
[SYD] 雪梨市Volvo B7RLE全餐 attachment kmb3asv3 2012-8-6 23:01 03697 kmb3asv3 2012-8-6 23:01
[新聞]美國 Megabus 雙層巴士撞橋墩 hkaiw 2012-8-3 11:42 02391 hkaiw 2012-8-3 11:42
[MELB] 歐霸樣版 attachment agree CTB626-HE8132 2012-7-30 14:44 12722 g544jacky 2012-7-30 14:56
[Perth] 安凱 Mandurah__Line 2012-7-28 16:42 32724 iczer3 2012-7-30 08:53
[GB] First Games Travel attachment NV58 2012-7-29 23:41 01865 NV58 2012-7-29 23:41
[YVR]相差10年 kmb3asv141 2012-7-29 16:39 01728 kmb3asv141 2012-7-29 16:39
一年的實習已經完滿地結束, 多謝你地今年日日載我返工放工 ATE22 2012-7-28 18:42 02384 ATE22 2012-7-28 18:42
轉載 - 加拿大渥太華Lady Dive Tours Enviro 400  ...2 iczer3 2012-7-25 16:40 134617 wrightap 2012-7-28 02:18
[Perth] 冷熱掛接齊齊番Busport agree Mandurah__Line 2012-7-27 23:59 01989 Mandurah__Line 2012-7-27 23:59
[Singapore] Join us as a Bus Captain attachment fp8329 2012-7-16 22:41 63566 KT5549 2012-7-27 15:05
[JPN] Kanagawa Neoplan & Merce Twinliner attachment agree dicksonboy 2012-7-24 23:23 64327 ME 2012-7-26 00:23
Rare sightings in Cambridge? ME 2012-7-22 05:14 32088 wrightap 2012-7-25 23:12
轉載 - 加拿大渥太華OC Transpo 矮版新款Enviro 500  ...2345 iczer3 2012-6-29 21:30 4013837 iczer3 2012-7-25 16:42
Showbus列陣 agree cktse 2012-7-22 18:38 93747 cktse 2012-7-25 12:10
[日本千葉] 京成バス Mercedes-Benz Citaro G attachment agree sap32aaa 2012-6-27 19:59 76201 ME 2012-7-22 04:36
前3BL在英國 attachment  ...2 ME19andG316 2012-7-17 00:11 165207 GA6072 2012-7-22 01:10
[SYD] Busways MAN 18.320 CB80 body attachment kmb3asv3 2012-7-17 23:25 73413 Mandurah__Line 2012-7-20 23:30
孖頭擔旅遊巴 attachment hkbw 2012-7-19 12:07 53996 peterpan 2012-7-20 13:13
[YVR]全新M記半全廣 billlmf 2012-7-20 06:31 11739 FBI2 2012-7-20 09:14
[Perth]大小富豪‧直達「屋企」 Mandurah__Line 2012-7-15 15:46 02349 Mandurah__Line 2012-7-15 15:46
[IND] 神秘的國度,熟悉的面孔 - B7RLE attachment agree BHSE 2012-7-12 19:34 63937 abh 2012-7-14 23:10
高雅的Bristol VR hkbw 2012-7-13 14:09 12136 franco26 2012-7-13 19:53
del 8166NL 2012-7-13 11:54 01263 8166NL 2012-7-13 11:54
[Singapore] SMRT - Dennis Lance attachment fp8329 2012-7-8 23:46 43217 sdkfz9 2012-7-13 00:22
[MELB]Glen Waverley Line Upgrade Replacement (多圖) agree CTB626-HE8132 2012-7-7 19:48 24042 CTB626-HE8132 2012-7-10 13:19
[轉載]S3BL 在舊金山 attachment  ...2 iczer3 2012-6-15 09:00 167443 iczer3 2012-7-9 14:40
[疑問] 如何分辨 Alexander RH 車身及 East Lancs E type 車身? 8166NL 2012-7-7 23:27 32713 hkaiw 2012-7-9 12:57
[Nottingham, UK] New Optare Solo SR & Tempo SR attachment franco26 2012-7-6 07:16 13076 sunnykam 2012-7-7 02:07
[MELB] Irizar i6 body on Iveco agree CTB626-HE8132 2012-7-4 20:46 02579 CTB626-HE8132 2012-7-4 20:46
[Peak District, UK] Preserved Bus Gathering - All photos uploaded attachment agree  ...23 franco26 2012-6-21 17:33 299201 franco26 2012-7-4 01:08
[SYD]City Sightseeing 安凱 + 影片 attachment iczer3 2012-7-2 20:58 02391 iczer3 2012-7-2 20:58
[日本東京] HATO Bus attachment agree sap32aaa 2012-6-29 03:39 33994 sunnykam 2012-7-1 23:40
[Perth] 最新加入City Sightseeing Perth既都城 Mandurah__Line 2012-6-30 18:12 02222 Mandurah__Line 2012-6-30 18:12
[日本東京] HATO Bus attachment sap32aaa 2012-6-29 03:32 02063 sap32aaa 2012-6-29 03:32
[MELB]死過返生?? agree CTB626-HE8132 2012-6-26 19:01 12875 iczer3 2012-6-27 09:03
[IRL] Bus Éireann 第二彈 - VDL Berkhof 及其他車型 attachment BHSE 2012-6-25 13:27 53032 franco26 2012-6-27 05:13
真係會有Enviro100? DK704_3N133 2012-6-17 20:06 64850 NV58 2012-6-25 18:03
俄羅斯巴士 alan2011super3 2012-6-22 00:47 23437 novkovsky 2012-6-25 01:34
[MELB]雨下的Clayton Monash Uni (多圖) agree CTB626-HE8132 2012-6-23 13:35 22688 CTB626-HE8132 2012-6-23 21:04
[MELB]英女皇壽辰(11/6)下的下午 agree CTB626-HE8132 2012-6-20 14:53 23658 CTB626-HE8132 2012-6-20 17:37
首爾的「前香港熱狗巴士」一問 lcl 2012-6-19 22:40 02380 lcl 2012-6-19 22:40
[BNE] Northern Busway開放日 3348 2012-6-17 23:20 32218 iczer3 2012-6-18 18:04
[Brisbane]換廣告 可遇不可求 亞空 2012-6-18 16:44 01684 亞空 2012-6-18 16:44
[MELB]濃霧下的B12 attachment CTB626-HE8132 2012-6-15 14:28 12580 iczer3 2012-6-16 20:11
[Perth] Mandurah Foreshore Express替代品 Mandurah__Line 2012-6-16 13:40 01767 Mandurah__Line 2012-6-16 13:40
[Perth] DAB Mandurah__Line 2012-6-14 21:05 01788 Mandurah__Line 2012-6-14 21:05
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