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Advertisement 香港交通資訊網»論壇 (C) Transport 交通討論區 航空(C2) [Flight Report] Frankfurt - Hong Kong

[飛行報告] [Flight Report] Frankfurt - Hong Kong

hkskyline 發表於 2022-10-10 16:30 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


10 July 2022

I was very grateful the flight from London (LH 911) arrived more or less on time. We reached the gate at 7:19pm and the Hong Kong flight would depart at 8:50pm. While I thought I had ample time, what I didn't expect was the long walk and train ride to get to the Hong Kong gate. Despite being a fast walker, it did take some time and add to that a reasonable wait to go through security.

However, a lingering stress factor remained. In recent days, this flight was delayed overnight on several occasions. This would mess up the quarantine hotel booking and given how hard it is to secure a room, I doubt I would be able to delay my 7-night reservation by 1 day. This would mean I have to call around the list of designated hotels on the spot to hopefully find a space and if not, I would need to return to London and start this trip all over again, likely with several weeks' delay.

After a long walk from my London flight's gate and a train ride, I emerged into a fairly empty pier Z. My next flight would depart from all the way at the end, with more walking ahead.

A line of special counters greeted me near my gate. It was about 8:20pm by the time I got here so even with a more-or-less timely arrival, my 1h45 connection was quite tight with only 30 minutes left. The documentation check was more detailed here, where the agent checked my quarantine hotel against the list of allowable designated hotels, something the London agent did not do. She didn't ask for my payment proof, which the digital document check online had.

However, some poor souls were not as lucky. One loud chap was calling someone in Mandarin as he didn't have all the required documents, while a few were turned away with timed-out PCR tests. I presume they got it too early as the 48 hour deadline is only for the flight to Hong Kong and not the start of your journey if you are connecting from elsewhere. That bit is specifically mentioned on the government's website.

This A340 would be my home for the next 12+ hours.

The flight was already boarding by the time I reached the gate and it looked like they were finishing up. I only needed to scan my boarding pass by myself at the automated gate to enter. I booked a window seat at the very back to the A340, but the flight looked full and I had a seatmate, a vet school student who had flown in from the UK earlier as well.

Boarding finished at 8:51pm and we pushed back at 9:13pm. It is interesting to see Lufthansa staffs this flight with a few Mandarin-speaking flight attendants even though local Hong Kongers don't speak Mandarin but Cantonese. Even the flight map would display in Simplified Chinese at times but we use Traditional Chinese. However, there were a number of Mandarin-speaking passengers on board. Flights to China are also severely restricted due to an even more onerous COVID-zero strategy so they would have to endure 2 sets of quarantine in Hong Kong and in China to get home.

Interestingly, the crew announced there were 3 empty seats up in Premium Economy and Business and to contact them if anyone wants to pay for an upgrade. That's the first time I heard of on-board upgrades.

We took off to the south and by the time we veered east, I couldn't spot Frankfurt anymore.

Similar to the inbound, dinner was only 1 choice, a vegetarian pasta. It tested my taste buds and was a forgettable meal. I was so stressed about making this flight that all else won't matter much now.

Then as the sun set, we closed the shades and tried to catch some sleep.

The flight was mostly smooth and I don't recall hearing the seat belt sign go on as we took the southerly route over Turkey, Iran, and northern India.

Also similar to the inbound, breakfast was a cold sandwich with cheese once again. The bread was actually decent but it certainly catered to German taste buds more than Asian ones.

By now, the sun had already risen and as we neared Guangzhou, I opened my shade to be amazed at the sight of cities!

I couldn't spot Guangzhou but could see Shenzhen coming up on the other side of the river.

I could see Hong Kong's airport in the distance (top right) with the new runway making it even bigger.

Macau is on the right half.

The Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macau Bridge is a 55km bridge and tunnel link connecting the 3 cities, the longest such sea crossing in the world. Dubbed a white elephant that will never turn profitable, it was a visionary project for Sir Gordon Wu, who is chairman of Hopewell Holdings, a property developer, highway, and hotel operator.

As we turned towards the east, Macau's full view came up. Note the new towers on the left of the river is Zhuhai already.

I was a bit surprised we didn't turn back north for a 07 landing. That means we'll descend over the city for a spectacular landing from the east.

The huge piece of land next to Disneyland is a quarantine camp for COVID patients. If I test positive during my hotel quarantine, I would probably be sent here to recover. It's not really a hospital by design. You are confined to your room and doctors won't come see you unless you call for help.

We landed uneventfully under a sunny sky, and I was tired taking lots of photos as we descended over southern China. With the borders mostly shut and a 7-day quarantine requirement deterring tourists from coming, many international airlines have stopped flying or drastically reduced their frequences. Lufthansa is one of few airlines that have re-started flying to Hong Kong, but British Airways hasn't so I was very surprised to see one of their birds parked at the terminal.

Flying during the pandemic is stressful. Although life has pretty much gone back to normal in Europe, airports and airlines have struggled to recover, and the passenger experience has become quite awful. Blasted through the press constantly, I gasped and expected the worst, but luckily the news headlines didn't materialize and I think I was lucky.

I paid just over HKD$5300 for this roundtrip ticket, which is a relative steal although I had booked it back in March when Lufthansa had suspended their Hong Kong route, betting they would resume it with the quarantine cut to 7 days. It was still more expensive than the 1-stop itineraries through the Middle East that I used to fly before the pandemic.

More photos on my website :


參與人數 4aPower +10 HugeC +40 收起 理由
vilo + 1 + 10 Thanks for sharing
DIH + 5 + 10 Thanks for sharing
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DIH 發表於 2022-10-11 17:18 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 DIH 於 2022-10-12 09:31 編輯

The view from above always reminds me how special Hong Kong is.  While most of the Pearl River region consists of muddy rivers and flat deltas, Hong Kong is blessed with clear seas and towering mountains, a unique landscape on the coast.  Unlike other cities which sprawl in all directions on large plains, Hong Kong has its buildings tightly packed in selected patches and peek through the ridegeline.  One moment you are flying over a green slope, and the next you are greeted by glistening high-rises.  The adaptability and adventurism born out of the diverse environment run in our blood.  At least for me, I always feel the urge to soar through the sky.
Waiyin12 發表於 2022-10-22 18:28 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
Not only is the report itself well-written, it also reminds me of my journey to Hong Kong with Lufthansa (aka the exact same route as yours).

I flew ~10 days later after your flight, but i was unfortunate enough to have my LH 796 delayed by one night, i.e. what your worried before departure has occurred on me. I was aware of the delay history of LH 796, so i wasn’t surprised by the delayed schedule; it was a night full of ups and downs, getting to the hotel, getting something to eat, texting my quarantine hotel…

I did get my quarantine hotel booking postponed by one night without any extra cost, and it turned out Lufthansa didn’t check if we’ve sorted out the quarantine hotel issue either.
Such a real relieve when the flight pushback next day.
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