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monkey_bsw 發表於 2007-6-27 10:55 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 dicksonboy 於 2007-6-27 02:20 發表

開呢條THREAD的人 --> review , but dont know what to review,
how to review (did not state in anywhere) + wouldnt open to different opinions --> hopless

由 review -->  hopeless 中間既論證, 大部份一係錯, 一係你自己估, 一係你自己覺得...
dicksonboy 發表於 2007-6-28 02:46 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 monkey_bsw 於 2007-6-27 10:55 發表

由 review -->  hopeless 中間既論證, 大部份一係錯, 一係你自己估, 一係你自己覺得...

when i said review -> hopless only reflects on what i think on the person who started this topic~
dont generalize it to every scenario.  
lets say: have an exam next week,
and you start on reviewing the course materials, good, not hopeless
but if you review the materials and dont understand the material,
like clueless regarding the material , and try to figure out by yourself without seeking any help,
to me, thats hopeless & waste of time. you are not trying to understand the material, you are just try to be a copy machine and spoonfed with loads of info.
thats how review can turn to hopeless
you can disagree with me~ thats fine~ different point of view~
but just simply because you disagree with me and say i am wrong?
there is no right or wrong unless there is an absolute answer~
Idiotism is idiots being idiotic
monkey_bsw 發表於 2007-6-28 15:23 | 顯示全部樓層
REPLY to dicksonboy #32

這個看似是好無謂既爭論, 但好想話你知, 你既邏輯思維前後不一致, 而且不停改變, 實在好難去跟...
i think those who need to ask that question are kinda hopeless~
they dont even know what they are doing~
when i said review -> hopless only reflects on what i think on the person who started this topic~
dont generalize it to every scenario.

但即使你話 "on the person who started this topic" 先係你想表達果樣, 都唔見得你呢個講法valid...

but just simply because you disagree with me and say i am wrong?
there is no right or wrong unless there is an absolute answer~

首先, 我第一次reply你果句話你 "錯", 個context並非如此.
我果個reply亦都指出唑你 "錯" 在邊度... (given當時你只係簡單撻一句 "those who need to ask that question are kinda hopeless", 你呢句, 從你自己之後既論證, 都已經證明唑係錯... <後加> 或者非常不足夠...)

其次, 當我之後一路再同你周旋既時候, 我用既字眼都係 "can't agree" "can hardly accept"之類...

and try to figure out by yourself without seeking any help,
to me, thats hopeless & waste of time. you are not trying to understand the material, you are just try to be a copy machine and spoonfed with loads of info.

thats how review can turn to hopeless

again, 嚮你既論證當中有好多不實在的東西... 點解一定要seek help? 點解自己諗野就一定係 "just try to be a copy machine (呢個point都ok搞笑, 話明自己諗野, 都無端端變唑 "copy machine") and spoonfed with loads of info"???

"thats how review can turn to hopeless " 只係, "你"如何將 review -> hopeless (而我估計普遍既人都唔接受你呢種講法), 而並非 "review" 如何變成 "hopeless".

[ 本帖最後由 monkey_bsw 於 2007-6-28 18:53 編輯 ]
dicksonboy 發表於 2007-6-28 21:57 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 monkey_bsw 於 2007-6-28 15:23 發表
REPLY to dicksonboy #32

這個看似是好無謂既爭論, 但好想話你知, 你既邏輯思維前後不一致, 而且不停改變, 實在好難去跟...

但即使你話 "on the person who started this topic" 先係你想表達 ...

its always been the same~
I think people should seek help when they have problems,
not just by sloving the problem by oneself, if so, you are falling in the trap of keep having the problems,
or keep repeating the same mistake
just like driving around the circle.
and thats hopeless when you are driving around the circle because you wont be sloving the problem.

There are 3 scanrios i can think of for the person who started this topic.
1) want to know the answer by review him/herself
2) want to know the answer by hearing different opinions in here
3) want to know the answer by hearing different opinions elsewhere
4) just want to tell us he/she is lost

4) doesnt make too much sense
because he/she doesnt seem like the kind of people who is that personal
if he/she is in this case, i will take everything back~

3) doesnt make too much sense niether
though he/she loves quotes,
he/she wouldn't just start a post without finding something that he/she thinks will back him/her up
unless he/she really had none

2) doesnt make too much sense niether.
because he/she did not further define the vague question he/she posted in here.
i assume if a person wants a discussion, he/she would try to clarify everything for a discussion

so 1) is left, therefore i will wish him/her the best of luck.
unless someone comes up with a 5)
Idiotism is idiots being idiotic
monkey_bsw 發表於 2007-6-29 16:18 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 dicksonboy 於 2007-6-28 21:57 發表

its always been the same~
I think people should seek help when they have problems,
not just by sloving the problem by oneself, if so, you are falling in the trap of keep having the problems,
or keep repeating the same mistake
just like driving around the circle.
and thats hopeless when you are driving around the circle because you wont be sloving the problem.

There are 3 scanrios i can think of for the person who started this topic.
1) want to know the answer by review him/herself
2) want to know the answer by hearing different opinions in here
3) want to know the answer by hearing different opinions elsewhere
4) just want to tell us he/she is lost

4) doesnt make too much sense
because he/she doesnt seem like the kind of people who is that personal
if he/she is in this case, i will take everything back~

3) doesnt make too much sense niether
though he/she loves quotes,
he/she wouldn't just start a post without finding something that he/she thinks will back him/her up
unless he/she really had none

2) doesnt make too much sense niether.
because he/she did not further define the vague question he/she posted in here.
i assume if a person wants a discussion, he/she would try to clarify everything for a discussion

so 1) is left, therefore i will wish him/her the best of luck.
unless someone comes up with a 5)

從你的回應, 我想問...
其實, 你會唔會有少少覺得,

你說的那 3 / 4 個scenario, 我真的完全不認同...
如果你是建基於那些場景, 我想我是討論不下去了.

另外, 如果你有興趣, 請回應我之前果個reply所提出既野...

仲有... 點解一定要seek help? 點解自己諗野就一定係 "just try to be a copy machine (呢個point都ok搞笑, 話明自己諗野, 都無端端變唑 "copy machine") and spoonfed with loads of info"???

如果你死都覺得向其他人求助係唯一出路, 咁就算啦~

[ 本帖最後由 monkey_bsw 於 2007-6-29 16:22 編輯 ]
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