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Advertisement 香港交通資訊網»論壇 (B) Bus 巴士討論區 外地巴士討論 (B5) 新加坡巴士(舊文存檔) [ SIN ] 一 , Eastern Area 巴西立 , 景萬岸

[ SIN ] 一 , Eastern Area 巴西立 , 景萬岸

aa2_dart 發表於 2009-7-29 23:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


之前同Friend去 Kuala Lumpur玩 , before enter Malaysia 自己stay左係新加坡around 3日 , 大家都知新加坡真係除左喪食之外都冇野做 , 所以就plan左去掃車.....
結果越影越多 , 勁多Target.....

from now on , 將會唔定時post返D收穫.......第一 round , 去東邊既town------巴西立 Pasir Ris 同D富貴住宅區-----景萬岸 Kembangan

Pasir Ris

去巴西立 Pasir Ris今次最保守都係死守MRT/Bus intercahnge等自己既Traget , 一黎自己又唔熟個邊D路有咩路 , 個個Town都係D Avenue乜Avenue乜.....勁易盪失路.....都係stay返係intercahnge安全D......今次企個位屬於站尾入站, 又唔近站長室同上客個area , 又係行人通道...touchwood冇俾人捉....

Pasir Ris 個Target係架MAN......6 , 巴西立 Pasir Ris Bus Interchange >  Loyang Avenue (LOOP)......

新加坡真係周街成大堆K230 , 加上早排出埋批歐五既Version , 越黎越多 , even以前東區係以B10M為主力 , 西區係O405為主力 , 依家東西兩邊都冇分 , 都係周街成大堆K230

歐四Version , 超難影既Coolair電牌......

新既歐五既Version  , 電牌用返英國既Product ------ Hanover

都普B10M MK4 @ Express 518 , 巴西立new town, 淡濱尼new town經Highway去出城市......+ B10M @ 3




區內feeder routes....358, 359都轉左好多K230

之前走去捕架9888Y大佬豬 @ 25 , 係Ang Mo Kio等足2個鐘都唔見 , 後來問過人話原來成日出走.....結果有日失驚無神神早流流.... 58 , 醒唒
就咁普通咁睇架樣版同其他量產Volgren豬冇乜分別 , 睇清楚9888Y原來同量產Volgren豬有超多分別.....


Parsir Ris Bus interchange.....


Kembangan 景萬岸

難得再去星洲梗係再影下D Dart仔啦......42係其中一條 景萬岸地鐵站 MRT>奧匹拉园圈(loop) , 屬feeder routes ,connect 地鐵站......42景萬岸地鐵站個TERMINAL只係街邊小站
42得2部車 , 景萬岸係屬富貴區 , 個個都有車養唒狗個種type咁滯.....入到景萬岸超極端 , mostly星洲D路都來回各3-4條線既大路 , 景萬岸只係雙程路.....仲要雙程路左右都係D兩,三層高既House, 佢地D車仲泊唒出馬路 , 變相條路係變左單線雙程 , D Dart仔只可以係中間既位勁narrow既路通過 , 有對頭車就煩......景萬岸D路又窄又多彎
之前仲有人講話42試過用12米冷蘭 , 當睇過exactly既instance......我超難imagine42點可以用12米冷蘭......批Dart仔都成16年 , 唔知42 will got wt happen......

出面大路既Kembangan MRT 巴士站.....

[ 本帖最後由 aa2_dart 於 2009-7-31 00:54 編輯 ]
Alexander Dennis E200 Dart~~902 NM4760
HS6573_MP3905 發表於 2009-7-30 02:01 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| aa2_dart 發表於 2009-7-30 13:27 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 HS6573_MP3905 於 2009-7-30 02:01 發表

around 6 days.....
上星期四自己飛左去Singapore stay左3日先 , 之後星期六晚再join埋岩岩飛到Singapore既friend轉機上Kuala Lumpur再玩3日.....

ps: Singapore同馬拉個D曬同香港既熱真係2樣野 , 香港個D又humid又曬又焗 , Singapore同馬拉唔濕唔焗有風但真係曬到癲......個D曬係勁到會好快整到你個人好快紅唒同黑......
Alexander Dennis E200 Dart~~902 NM4760
iczer3 發表於 2009-7-30 18:15 | 顯示全部樓層


Do you have problem taking photos at Pasir Ris, Me and my friend always got apporoached at Pasir Ris
Enviro 500!
cy211 發表於 2009-7-30 18:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 aa2_dart 於 2009-7-30 13:27 發表

around 6 days.....
上星期四自己飛左去Singapore stay左3日先 , 之後星期六晚再join埋岩岩飛到Singapore既friend轉機上Kuala Lumpur再玩3日.....

ps: Singapore同馬拉個D曬同香港既熱真係2樣野 , 香港個D又humid ...


丫, 部機咁樣曬法會唔會好易壞?[/好奇]
 樓主| aa2_dart 發表於 2009-7-30 18:49 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 iczer3 於 2009-7-30 18:15 發表
Do you have problem taking photos at Pasir Ris, Me and my friend always got apporoached at Pasir Ris

no...... also i'm not stay for too long at each INT , so luckily that i didn't got any matter @ everywhere
i've been to SIN alot of Bus INT , Pasir Ris , Boon Lay , Toa Payoh , Sengkang, Bukit Panjang , Choa Chu Kang..........

also i get some advise that to those guys who wants go to Singapore for taking Bus photo , That's got some skills.....
don't stand the place which is quite near the INT staff rm. , don't let the staff see u in Bus INT area for taking photo ( without Bus Captain ) , Mostly Singapore The Bus INT are really big , Found a place for taking photo that the staff or even the security can't c u were not hard..... pls be smart...
don't be stealth , otherwise the BC or demos will call the police to serve u....

anyway , around this 3 yr.s , The demos or even the police or the bus company staff already accept those guys interesting on bus= Bus Fans , include accept those guys to taking bus photo , but if u taking photo on the road mostly the pedestrian sitll will foucus on u , becuz they feel interseting that what're u taking ?..... but just a well-meaning .....

as my experience , Singapore People won't call the police becuz a guy was taking the bus photo on the road.....
Alexander Dennis E200 Dart~~902 NM4760
 樓主| aa2_dart 發表於 2009-7-30 18:56 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 cy211 於 2009-7-30 18:45 發表


丫, 部機咁樣曬法會唔會好易壞?[/好奇]

咁就梗係唔係啦......我自己又放緊長假 , HK呢邊又冇野do , 咪索性自己早D飛左去星加坡先囉, 自己一個人係星加坡喪食又喪影車又喪Shopping , 勁爽and relax......

又可以同成班friend出trip , 又可以自己靜靜地食自己想食既野 , 做自己想做既野 , 買自己想買既野......超正....
Alexander Dennis E200 Dart~~902 NM4760
ac 發表於 2009-7-31 11:23 | 顯示全部樓層
AC - Alexander Chan
 樓主| aa2_dart 發表於 2009-7-31 12:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ac 於 2009-7-31 11:23 發表

400D and 冇IS既小小白囉........有, D對比呀個D咁囉....
Alexander Dennis E200 Dart~~902 NM4760
Wattyung 發表於 2009-7-31 16:08 | 顯示全部樓層


師兄D photos 真係好正,而且又可以在 bus 總站 take 咁多相確係難得,但可否post相時唔好又Chinese又英文,睇得幾辛苦吓。(連我自已咁樣回文都覺得辛苦)
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