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SIA slips widebody plan

billlmf 發表於 2006-4-11 03:12 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式



SIA slips widebody plan

Source from Flight International
Cathay 888...clear to land rwy 26 Right
Seiko 發表於 2006-4-11 23:15 | 顯示全部樓層
SQ不嬲對Airbus d 產品不太感興趣,
wally 發表於 2006-4-12 00:52 | 顯示全部樓層
Well... I believe the chance of them buying Airbus product is not very likely... They only buy Airbus product when there is no Boeing prodcut of the same class avaliable like A380 now...
 樓主| billlmf 發表於 2006-4-12 01:55 | 顯示全部樓層


老實講,我都覺得787會勝出,因為A350個設計實在同A330太過相似,actually係A330既enhanced同埋longer range版本~~
Cathay 888...clear to land rwy 26 Right
raylex 發表於 2006-4-12 20:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 billlmf 於 2006-4-12 01:55 發表
因為A350個設計實在同A330太過相似,actually係A330既enhanced同埋longer range版本~~

A350 感覺好似空中巴士用黎應付 787 臨時臨急做出黎既方案咁。
787 出既時侯空中巴士話佢地既 A330 已經占領jor市場,後來先發現唔系~
wally 發表於 2006-4-12 22:44 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 raylex 於 2006-4-12 20:22 發表

A350 感覺好似空中巴士用黎應付 787 臨時臨急做出黎既方案咁。
787 出既時侯空中巴士話佢地既 A330 已經占領jor市場,後來先發現唔系~

To be honest, Airbus is not 100% wrong... A330 have only been around for around 10yrs... And A350 is designed as a part of A330/A340 family...
As A330 have not be here for so long yet... Replacement is not needed yet as this point... So the demand for A350 wont be very strong until A330 get to a older age...
But A350 is really came out to go against B787... But with the lack of time for Airbus, if they dont use A330 baseline, it wont be able to come out close to B787 schedule delivery date...
Also, with the limited funding that Airbus have at the moment due to restrictions on taking loan from EU due to the EU-US arguement about loan and funding to aviation industry not being settle yet... So at this moment, Airbus is hard to ask EU loan like they have when they launch A380... So they only have limited funding to launch A350...
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