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Advertisement 香港交通資訊網»論壇 (B) Bus 巴士討論區 外地巴士討論 (B5) 黃巴士斷流(更新:真係倒閉)


miklcct 發表於 2022-8-2 22:58 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


本帖最後由 miklcct 於 2022-8-5 19:48 編輯

有120年歷史嘅巴士公司,「黃巴士」(Yellow Buses),喺上星期被行政接管(went into administration)。

We, Simon Rowe and Rachel Hotham of Milsted Langdon LLP, have been appointed as Administrators of Bournemouth Transport Limited, which trades as Yellow Buses.
We recognise that many people rely on the Yellow Bus network for all sorts of aspects of their daily lives and that for them and the 300 staff employed by the business this is an unsettling time.  We can recognise this and want to reassure everyone that we and our team are doing all we can to ensure that the business continues to operate as normal as possible under the circumstances and continues to do so into the future.
Yellow Buses has just celebrated its 120th birthday and so it is an unfortunate time to be facing this uncertainty.  However, like many transport businesses, Yellow Buses has suffered from the challenges of the COVID period and the changes in lifestyle habits which have followed, with more people working remotely and some people still being reluctant to travel on public transport.  All of this has severely reduced passenger numbers on all routes.
This loss of revenue has had a financial impact on the business and additional factors such as the recent increase in fuel prices and the general rise in inflation has only made that greater.
The directors have, for some time, been looking for outside investment or a purchaser to take Yellow Buses onto the next stage of its life.  They felt that as a small independent business it was unable to handle the current challenges alone and hoped that by merging with a larger operator it would provide them with a broader platform from which to operate.
Unfortunately, those negotiations take time, and during that time the business was coming under increasing financial pressure.  Negotiations with one of those parties, a large national operator, have entered the final stages and we hope to be able to conclude within a matter of days.   
With its long history in the local area and its integral role within the community we appreciate that there will be a great number of people concerned about this news, what we would ask is that the community shows it support by using the services.  Support Yellow Buses and crucially its staff by using the bus.  Take a trip on one of the buses and let the drivers know they have your support.  Show them just how important this service is to everyone.
We will of course keep the staff and customers updated over the coming days.

呢間黃巴士自2017年重組路線之後,服務質素就不斷下降。2017年嗰陣佢將成個網絡砍掉重練,結果罵聲四起,一年之後還原返原有網絡。不過啲客就已經過哂對家 morebus 。去到疫情之後,成間公司嘅路線不斷削班,例如條 3 號喺2018年嗰陣係7-8分鐘一班,之後減到15,到舊年再減到20,到而家成條線被對家KO埋,成條變咗3x得返30分鐘一班。

而且佢又多舊熱狗殘車,無報站,無得 tap on tap off (P.S. 今年6月開始有,遲過對家好多) ,班次疏覆蓋少,所謂「頻密」嘅 5 號線又經常甩班。我舊年搭呢間公司嘅 3x (當年係真特快,醫院直達火車站)經常成班車無咗(半個鐘一班都照收車),有對家服務嘅時間我根本就唔想搭佢。



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