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版主: admin310
本板專門為站友提供討論巴士模擬遊戲(OMSI)的空間 O2板的討論範圍:提供空間予站友發佈車輛, 城市, 塗裝等附加檔 站友使用本板時請留意下列事項: 1. 不准發佈侵犯版權的檔案 2. 轉載其他製作者作品前必須得到原創人同意並在文章標題標明”轉載” 3. 由於OMSI是收費軟件, 所以任何人不得查詢或提供遊戲主程式的非法獲取途徑
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隱藏置頂帖 使用本站附件儲存空間指引 admin84 2012-1-11 00:18 012727 admin84 2012-1-11 00:18
隱藏置頂帖 檔案下載索引 (2012年6月26日更新) admin84 2012-1-9 20:04 020501 admin84 2012-1-9 20:04
隱藏置頂帖 O板板規(適用於O1, O2, O3板) attachment admin84 2012-1-9 18:46 012868 admin84 2012-1-9 18:46
係邊度可以下載到OMSI九巴嘅利蘭勝利二型? kelvinwmc2047 2022-3-27 13:51 012236 kelvinwmc2047 2022-3-27 13:51
係邊度可以下載到OMSI新界西至九龍嘅地圖? kelvinwmc2047 2022-3-27 13:46 010642 kelvinwmc2047 2022-3-27 13:46
[轉載]OMSI NTWest addon with N260, 962, N962 kelvinwmc2047 2022-3-3 19:18 212146 kelvinwmc2047 2022-3-4 15:51
[轉載] NTWest addon with N260, 962, N962 kelvinwmc2047 2022-3-3 19:35 510524 s20131417 2022-3-3 22:44
求巨鷹珍寶 GU7060 2021-12-25 12:14 08826 GU7060 2021-12-25 12:14
有冇人有 Omsi 嘅 atee 條 link CR400BF 2021-1-6 09:19 011628 CR400BF 2021-1-6 09:19
Cherryland V3 agree VictorFung 2020-10-23 23:30 08513 VictorFung 2020-10-23 23:30
Cherryland V2 agree VictorFung 2020-4-26 14:11 012482 VictorFung 2020-4-26 14:11
[MM2] 九巴 81 City V2.01 正式推出 agree kwn1029 2020-4-14 22:45 016270 kwn1029 2020-4-14 22:45
[新增82K] Map 83K V3 agree VictorFung 2020-3-7 20:15 016821 VictorFung 2020-3-7 20:15
Cherryland V.1 agree VictorFung 2020-2-8 22:34 012691 VictorFung 2020-2-8 22:34
Map 83K agree VictorFung 2020-1-19 12:23 012034 VictorFung 2020-1-19 12:23
[29條路線] OMSI Cherryland agree VictorFung 2020-1-9 12:10 014513 VictorFung 2020-1-9 12:10
九巴 E500 MMC FL 歐6 玻璃梯 attach_img agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2019-7-6 12:19 029521 Kyle.ATENU1000 2019-7-6 12:19
HELP! TSRC-HK 2019-4-5 19:26 012274 TSRC-HK 2019-4-5 19:26
有冇人有gg2右軚地圖 Creeper10071 2019-2-8 18:15 018843 Creeper10071 2019-2-8 18:15
HKF工具 - Spline Creator CNONEHK 2018-12-7 19:38 013737 CNONEHK 2018-12-7 19:38
AMN 1-30 Repaint Pack agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-8-26 10:35 122223 ATENU456 2018-9-2 16:48
Del agree nokia_hk_fans 2018-7-10 00:55 014855 nokia_hk_fans 2018-7-10 00:55
三星Galaxy S9 | S9+ 廣告套裝 agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-5-22 10:34 012726 Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-5-22 10:34
NET English - 短龍 JA1063 全廣Repaint agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-5-12 10:28 011974 Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-5-12 10:28
SF 3318 HAMILTON 半廣 Repaint attach_img agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-5-10 21:11 011979 Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-5-10 21:11
KH4338 (spotify 陳奕迅 全廣) attach_img agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-3-5 18:59 018276 Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-3-5 18:59
龍運舊色新Logo attach_img agree JV569 2018-2-28 22:23 118150 Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-3-5 18:52
Zespri MMC 半廣 attach_img agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-1-19 09:18 017448 Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-1-19 09:18
高高 Let's Go 2018 agree nokia_hk_fans 2018-1-14 13:27 117191 Kyle.ATENU1000 2018-1-18 07:41
Hiace塗裝 x4 attach_img agree JV569 2017-12-11 21:08 013401 JV569 2017-12-11 21:08
富豪超級奧林比安十二米 (3ASV) 之材質補檔 attach_img Kyle.ATENU1000 2017-11-21 19:49 119398 Kyle.ATENU1000 2017-11-21 19:50
富豪奧林比安12米單門型 (315) 聲效補檔 agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2017-11-14 17:01 012353 Kyle.ATENU1000 2017-11-14 17:01
UR 3729 ATENU1202 廣告 Repaint agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2017-11-14 13:23 012921 Kyle.ATENU1000 2017-11-14 13:23
KMB E400 英國國哀紀念日 半廣 attach_img agree Kyle.ATENU1000 2017-11-12 10:07 015039 Kyle.ATENU1000 2017-11-12 10:07
Hiace Reapint 檔 attach_img agree askalmh98 2017-8-18 22:28 012986 askalmh98 2017-8-18 22:28
紅色九巴Repaint全套 (M^3 AI 系列) agree nokia_hk_fans 2017-7-8 20:30 029524 nokia_hk_fans 2017-7-8 20:30
[GG2]Leyland Olympians by S3V15 君巴塗裝及膠牌全包宴 agree nokia_hk_fans 2016-8-22 17:04 024261 nokia_hk_fans 2016-8-22 17:04
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[OMSI 1&2] Great Grundorf LHT (右軚版) agree nokia_hk_fans 2016-7-23 10:39 158419 Pun 2016-7-28 15:59
[塗裝]CMB DA加德士&京都念慈菴川貝枇杷膏廣告及中巴原色 agree s2002190 2015-10-23 23:42 014864 s2002190 2015-10-23 23:42
[塗裝]中巴DA83-92 agree s2002190 2015-10-5 18:46 014182 s2002190 2015-10-5 18:46
[塗裝]中巴白豪 VA51,52,54,56 新人帖 agree s2002190 2015-9-28 23:18 014409 s2002190 2015-9-28 23:18
[<omsi2>地圖]:Girlland V.3.0 Beta 2.0 (20160215更新) attach_img agree 3asv6 2015-9-13 03:03 019012 3asv6 2015-9-13 03:03
[Repaint]中巴VA51-VA64 (AI_KMB_VOLVO_OLYMPIAN) BUSMAN伯輋雯 2015-8-4 21:26 013746 BUSMAN伯輋雯 2015-8-4 21:26
[<omsi2>地圖]:Girlland V.3.0 Beta 1.1 (20150618更新) attachment agree 3asv6 2015-4-30 16:38 018992 3asv6 2015-4-30 16:38
[<omsi2>地圖]:Girlland V.3.0公測版.(4/16前d/l請再d/l.) attachment agree 3asv6 2015-4-4 21:29 014259 3asv6 2015-4-4 21:29
Volvo Super Olympian with Wright Gemini body (AVW) attachment agree AD156 2015-3-28 13:48 033324 AD156 2015-3-28 13:48
Volvo B7L Wright Eclipse attachment agree AD156 2015-2-1 19:46 118907 RG9525 2015-2-9 20:19
Volvo B10BLE Wright Renown attachment agree AD156 2015-1-24 17:46 017989 AD156 2015-1-24 17:46
Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini agree AD156 2014-12-22 20:24 016678 AD156 2014-12-22 20:24
OMSI download RW5779~ATSE48 2014-11-12 19:08 016192 RW5779~ATSE48 2014-11-12 19:08
CityFlyer E500MMC M_Valley 電牌及走馬燈補檔 agree FV5383 2014-10-21 23:17 020670 FV5383 2014-10-21 23:17
OMSI 5xx repaint RG9525 2014-2-27 22:10 015599 RG9525 2014-2-27 22:10
[轉]5頭新Repaint PH1547 2014-1-9 17:15 114257 1724108352 2014-1-9 19:52
[轉]OMSI KMB Dennis Enviro 400 SA4037 2013-11-13 22:43 019464 SA4037 2013-11-13 22:43
[地圖]OMSI2推出前的最後地圖如願推出:AV76. attachment 3asv6 2013-11-2 02:00 532974 david95811 2013-11-4 19:01
omsi download AVBWU8 2013-10-9 17:57 216689 AVBWU8 2013-10-14 10:36
[地圖]過多約4個月再有地圖:Small RHD. attachment 3asv6 2013-8-17 23:26 019366 3asv6 2013-8-17 23:26
[地圖]過多8個月再有作品:Girlland V.2.0,<4/28更新>. attachment 3asv6 2013-4-19 20:11 017798 3asv6 2013-4-19 20:11
[轉載]KMB Leyland Olympian 9.5/11m non A/C TOT111 2013-3-29 12:28 134465 chukachunhkac 2013-4-4 19:34
SD200/202 ZF ECOMAT ECOLIFE ADDON KMBAVC19 2013-1-22 09:56 015333 KMBAVC19 2013-1-22 09:56
Del,貼錯板,sorry FP6003 2013-1-12 09:59 011859 FP6003 2013-1-12 09:59
[塗裝] Echo Verso & Hiace 多色塗裝 HV9990 2012-9-21 03:12 015747 HV9990 2012-9-21 03:12
〔補丁〕SD200/SD202/所有有IBIS車輛:電牌補丁. attachment 3asv6 2012-8-25 03:25 017020 3asv6 2012-8-25 03:25
[塗裝] 九鐵歷代車身色彩 + Bouns HV9990 2012-8-9 02:16 116704 BUZZBABY 2012-8-14 21:56
[地圖]已到下週;有報站+報站聲:Philipin.<8/21更新> attachment 3asv6 2012-8-13 00:36 015334 3asv6 2012-8-13 00:36
[地圖]有報站+報站聲:"Islands". attachment agree 3asv6 2012-7-16 01:35 016045 3asv6 2012-7-16 01:35
[地圖]有線,有報站+報站聲:"群島",7/3再更新. attachment agree 3asv6 2012-7-2 02:52 015392 3asv6 2012-7-2 02:52
[塗裝] GA2116 平機會全車身廣告 agree MJ2927×NA3587 2012-6-25 16:16 015082 MJ2927×NA3587 2012-6-25 16:16
移動:開龍 eebus 2012-6-25 13:55 -25 eebus 2012-6-25 13:55
[地圖]Hong Kong 284 Map Version 1.0.0 agree ATE31 2012-6-25 00:33 260343 ATE31 2012-6-25 01:33
[地圖]有線,有報站+報站聲:Busland.<已更新,請再測試> attachment agree 3asv6 2012-6-16 01:45 017415 3asv6 2012-6-16 01:45
Buspak - Hotdog SD202-D92 agree GA1252@32B 2012-6-9 16:24 015494 GA1252@32B 2012-6-9 16:24
HKsouth一週年--(29/5/2012)HKsouth V1.7 attachment agree EN1504-201 2012-5-29 22:31 568775 tvcc 2012-6-4 00:25
[OMSI][地圖]有線,有報站+報站聲map:Dreamland.<更新> attachment agree 3asv6 2012-4-14 17:41 021762 3asv6 2012-4-14 17:41
[OMSI][地圖]有線map:輕改comboverland,3ASV6_dreamland,新增報站. attachment agree 3asv6 2012-2-16 02:35 020696 3asv6 2012-2-16 02:35
[OMSI][地圖]公路map兩個. attachment agree 3asv6 2012-2-6 02:26 026315 3asv6 2012-2-6 02:26
D92 捷達巴士 agree ctb209fs4088 2012-1-31 12:36 015761 ctb209fs4088 2012-1-31 12:36
[ 28/1/2012 ] Showroom - Lau Fau Shan Beta [ 29/1 加入更新檔 ] agree JG249. 2012-1-28 14:45 016868 JG249. 2012-1-28 14:45
[NL202 SD202] First Group London London United agree d201hkmtr 2012-1-21 22:55 014504 d201hkmtr 2012-1-21 22:55
為鼓勵站友參與討論, 本板將會向站友派發ipower admin84 2012-1-13 23:26 011825 admin84 2012-1-13 23:26
[塗裝]SD200+SD202鐵巴塗裝系列 attachment nr5800 2012-1-10 23:52 016030 nr5800 2012-1-10 23:52
[OMSI]自創:Grundorf節日hof檔+SD202 NL202 Gorba hei9980 2012-1-6 14:40 017281 hei9980 2012-1-6 14:40
[OMSI][NL202 repaint]元旦禮物 MTR 西鐵色 attachment nr5800 2012-1-1 01:21 017823 nr5800 2012-1-1 01:21
[OMSI][檔案下載][物件]中華巴士鐵皮巴士站上蓋(左駄方向) EN1504-201 2011-12-28 14:31 017360 EN1504-201 2011-12-28 14:31
[OMSI][檔案下載][物件]中華巴士"波版糖"站牌 attachment EN1504-201 2011-12-15 16:57 216093 EN1504-201 2011-12-18 11:28
[OMSI][Repaint Download] SD200-SD85 港鐵西鐵色 nr5800 2011-12-9 16:55 016795 nr5800 2011-12-9 16:55
[OMSI][地圖](29/11/2011)給自己的生日禮物--HKsouth V1.6 agree EN1504-201 2011-11-29 19:09 127301 3ad150 2011-12-1 14:01
[OMSI][檔案下載][地圖](31/10/2011)HKsouth V1.5 EN1504-201 2011-11-1 17:33 127173 prince9314226 2011-11-3 19:23
[OMSI][檔案下載][城市](16/9/2011)HKsouth V1.4 EN1504-201 2011-9-16 22:21 928422 ryanlee09 2011-10-4 10:13
(8/8/2011)[OMSI][檔案下載][城市]HKsouth V1.3 attachment agree EN1504-201 2011-8-8 15:32 820786 HE7921 2011-8-18 22:33
[OMSI][檔案下載][塗裝]D92 城巴 Network26新里程 EN1504-201 2011-8-11 10:50 018457 EN1504-201 2011-8-11 10:50
(21/7/2011)[OMSI][檔案下載][城市]HKsouth V1.2 agree  ...2 EN1504-201 2011-5-29 17:25 1950178 2296 2011-7-23 02:05
[OMSI][塗裝下載]九廣鐵路試驗色 nr5800 2011-6-21 12:51 118523 BUZZBABY 2011-6-27 23:21
[OMSI][塗裝下載]突破breakazine廣告 nr5800 2011-6-21 18:55 016588 nr5800 2011-6-21 18:55
[ OMSI Sound addon ] 多個鐘聲 車門聲下載 小roy 2011-6-19 17:14 119755 BUZZBABY 2011-6-19 23:40
[OMSI][Download]KMB D92(20:00update) attachment NL273a 2011-6-7 19:06 232056 NL273a 2011-6-7 20:05
[塗裝]新巴人力車觀光巴士車身廣告(for D92)(6/6 更新) agree lwb701 2011-6-3 19:47 120337 lwb701 2011-6-6 20:48
[OMSI]SD83城巴Network26色(早期坡柴款)(附黑底黃字數字牌布) EN1504-201 2011-5-20 13:55 018521 EN1504-201 2011-5-20 13:55
[OMSI] 港鐵三色 v3 (28/4 updated) nr5800 2011-4-25 00:22 018494 nr5800 2011-4-25 00:22
[OMSI] 附加檔 港幣模組 cktse 2011-4-10 05:00 319814 chiukit2001 2011-4-13 23:37


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