聽聞暫時只是60, 62及64位可以停A380, 其他位置
都不能停, 另外, 好耐之前有板友提過, 近65號閘的
台灣牛肉面的上層的候機位置, 即將可以啟用. |
板主無能, 亂咁罰人, 杯葛R1
原帖由 前KMB員工家屬 於 2006-10-7 13:40 發表
台灣牛肉面的上層的候機位置, 即將可以啟用.
o個度原來整候機座位o架? 見佢整好一年幾都唔開放。 |
祺人祺事 是神奇技倆
原帖由 前KMB員工家屬 於 2006-10-7 13:40 發表
聽聞暫時只是60, 62及64位可以停A380
暫時只知VS會用A380飛袋鼠航線LHR<--->HKG<--->SYD (如果VS保留A380訂單的話)
SQ就聽講會用A380飛SQ1/ SQ2 (係就正lu )
3個Gate for A380, 我估應該能足夠應付. |
I can't read the article (Apple website did not allow). Where else will the A380 go on this trip? Thx. |
有冇人知大概咩時侯降落 ?
有乜靚位影降落 ?
thanks ... |
原帖由 volvo_chan 於 2006-10-9 06:54 發表
暫時只知VS會用A380飛袋鼠航線LHR<--->HKG<--->SYD (如果VS保留A380訂單的話)
SQ就聽講會用A380飛SQ1/ SQ2 (係就正lu )
3個Gate for A380, ...
Currently we have VS confirm of flying A380 on LHR-HKG-SYD...
For SQ, their piority is on SIN-SYD, SIN-LHR... But after them, they are planned to fly A380 on SIN-HKG-SFO...
EK have also named HKG in their A380 network... But again, their first piority is on DXB-LHR... And I believe HKG wont get EK A380 before SQ/VS...
Other airlines that I think have the potential are LH on HKG-FRA... And maybe QF on MEL-HKG-LHR if their A380 are not all based at SYD...
And looking at this list, I cannot find any time when there will be 3 A380 at HKG at the same time... Only time maybe late early morning when we have the SQ heading to SIN on SQ1 and QF one heading to LHR... But thats still only 2 at the same time... |