Develop a full solution of Video Analytics System including hardware and software system design, installation of video analytics edge devices, network I/O devices, equipment racks, back-end system server, maintenance workstations and associated electrical, data network and interfacing provisions. The system shall be integrated with the existing CCTV system in LRL using video analytics technology for detection of passengers standing beyond platform yellow line or persons intruded platform track for triggering alerts to passengers, train captains or Light Rail Operations Control Centre via the existing Public Address System, iSPS and CCTV system.
The Contractor is required to supply and install Video Analytic Devices, Network I/O Devices and Network Switches with associated equipment housing and electrical provision at thirty-two (32) Light Rail platforms, back-end system servers with network connection and firewall in redundancy design at Tuen Mun Depot, maintenance workstation at TMD, and monitoring workstation at LR IECC. ... enders/Q082872.html
Ff mode
有嘢detect 到超過黃線就send 信號煞停部車
#誤 |
for triggering alerts to passengers, train captains or Light Rail Operations Control Centre Alert啫,唔會去到煞停架車。同埋冇講會連接訊號系統。仲有,架車入得站,速度唔會快,煞停架車冇乜用。
灌水無罪 腦霧有理
AVBWU291 發表於 2021-2-23 20:44
只係見到舊嘢聯想到極端情況 |
相信啲元朗大馬路啲月台只會不停播PA叫請勿超越黃線 |
Kj2052 發表於 2021-2-23 19:56
Ff mode
有嘢detect 到超過黃線就send 信號煞停部車
你估好似重鐵咁㩒緊急停車掣就會即刻煞停列車咩 |
不過香港呢個保姆社會就係咁 |
KCRC . Keep Moving