不可能吧?它們的分別有10kg嗎? |
原帖由 YanShing 於 2010-6-15 14:38 發表 
呢個係九巴當年對外宣傳既"重點", 改用玻璃係因為減重同省油 |
原帖由 小早川優 於 2010-6-15 01:43 發表 
點解唔試下入返11m車? 根據呢部B9TL嘅座椅編排,11m版本相信可以做到U51/L29,就算堅持用直梯,座椅數目應該同呢部B9TL差唔多(連企位約可載110人左右)。 ...
The problem is the weight issue will come into play. Lothian has a large fleet of 11.4m B9TLs which has a H48/32F layout, but only gets 10 standing capacity because of the weight. This gives a capacity of 90 passengers, which is not much more than a 10.4m one can carry, and dare I say, not worth it. |
Tinyl Bus Photography - FB Group
原帖由 FS7418 於 2010-6-14 13:55 發表 
好似足十年了... |
倒不如叫每個司機減肥十磅,也可以減重和省油 |
原帖由 NV58 於 2010-6-14 23:22 發表 
The problem is the weight issue will come into play. Lothian has a large fleet of 11.4m B9TLs which has a H48/32F layout, but only gets 10 standing capacity because of the weight. This gives a capac ...
I wasn't really refering to 2-axle version when talking about the 11m version of B9TL. It should be 3-axle just like the ADL counterpart, but the arrangement of components such as fuel tank can be adjusted according to the 2-axle version to free up more space especially there is more than enough space under the straight staircase of KMB's specification for placement of a fuel tank or adblue tank. |
原帖由 小早川優 於 2010-6-15 03:34 PM 發表 
I wasn't really refering to 2-axle version when talking about the 11m version of B9TL. It should be 3-axle just like the ADL counterpart, but the arrangement of components such as fuel tank can be a ...
It's not feasible for B9/E500 to have a <12m (3-axle) straight staircase + wheelchair config. & not related to where the placement of the fuel tank |
原帖由 111 於 2010-6-14 23:48 發表 
It's not feasible for B9/E500 to have a
未出現過唔代表唔可行。表面上跟據九巴個設計,12m似乎係三軸直梯車嘅下限,但係大家有無發覺自從E500時代開始個輪椅位係比以前多左半個窗位(呢部城巴B9TL將一排梗凳擺喺輪椅位度正好反映出呢點)?如果將輪椅位縮返去躉同扒嘅水平係可以令架車短多半個窗口位,就算無11.3m都有11.5~11.6m。 |
原帖由 小早川優 於 2010-6-15 03:58 PM 發表 
未出現過唔代表唔可行。表面上跟據九巴個設計,12m似乎係三軸直梯車嘅下限,但係大家有無發覺自從E500時代開始個輪椅位係比以前多左半個窗位(呢部城巴B9TL將一排梗凳擺喺輪椅位度正好反映出呢點)?如果將輪椅位縮返去躉同 ...
但實際40xx沒用這設計 |