又不知道九巴會否向新巴追討211線客量流失導致車費收入大減的損失? |
Why don't we focus the most important - He's already offence the laws which the junction Chuk Yuen Road / Wing Chuk Street are only available for car running within 10M as well
A bill of penalty of HKD 5000 can be charge by the government and 3 months jail for first attempt
The ROOT CAUSE for entering Tsui Chuk Garden is due to a faulty route selection , and misleaded to the roadsign which already prompt the car he is driving is not allowed to use this junctions as well , if he were noted by this roadsign , he will just continue to Chuk Yuen Terminus as well
原帖由 blueblue 於 2010-3-9 10:59 發表 
又不知道九巴會否向新巴追討211線客量流失導致車費收入大減的損失? ...
[ 本帖最後由 rlcw 於 2010-3-9 11:21 編輯 ] |
原帖由 rlcw 於 2010-3-9 11:12 發表 
Why don't we focus the most important - He's already offence the laws which the junction Chuk Yuen Road / Wing Chuk Street are only available for car running within 10M as well
A bill of penalty of ...
塊牌下面唔係有一句係「專利巴士除外/Except Franchised Buses」?
有錯請指。 |
Yes , you're really get something wrong , due to not enough knowledge on the said road condition therefor I've uploaded the picture right now for more clear picture on your mindset, kindly check please
The question you're raising I've reported to the government department (TD / HYD) and awaiting for their result , or "只許州官放火 不許百姓點燈" ?
If there's a roadsign (Except with permit / Except Franchised Buses) , it should be ok but at this junction we're now , NONE
Also , if there's a roadsign were mentioned over 10M is not permitted , which means the 10M is a limitation and this will be problem / dangerous on the said roads , which I think "Except Franchised Buses" will also involve problems otherwise no need to stand this notice , right ?
原帖由 ASV50 於 2010-3-9 11:30 發表 
塊牌下面唔係有一句係「專利巴士除外/Except Franchised Buses」?
所以理論上今次新記超豪既司機應該無犯 ...
[ 本帖最後由 rlcw 於 2010-3-9 11:54 編輯 ] |
原帖由 rlcw 於 2010-3-9 11:34 發表 
Yes , you're really get something wrong , due to not enough knowledge on the said road condition therefor I've uploaded the picture right now for more clear picture on your mindset, kindly check please 8 a. U# O) @; y8 N& Z/ {7 Q3 ~3 [/ p
The question you're raising I've reported to the government department (TD / HYD) and awaiting for their result , or "只許州官放火 不許百姓點燈" ?www.hkitalk.net" O& k" B! r! |8 N: G
If there's a roadsign (Except with permit / Except Franchised Buses) , it should be ok but at this junction we're now , NONE
; W5 h
Also , if there's a roadsign were mentioned over 10M is not permitted , which means the 10M is a limitation and this will be problem / dangerous on the said roads , which I think "Except Franchised Buses" will also involve problems otherwise no need to stand this notice , right ?
Calm down mate
Would it be because the Department only give permission to those ex-NWFB Darts over 10m, but not all franchised bus, so it choose not to set that roadsign "Except Franchised Buses"? Would it be possible to find those Darts and check if the permits are located on them, just like those ATEs getting permits of their over-width? I am also looking forward to the response from the Department, please share with us if you get it.
By the way, I cant find a roadsign on "Except with permit" in the TD website
(http://www.td.gov.hk/tc/road_safety/road_users_code/index/chapter_8_the_language_of_the_road/signs_giving_orders_/index.html). Does it exist? |
According to the information I've and gazetted on the government by law , here is the information
Cap 374G , Page 66
Clearly described the FIGURE No. 132 "No longer then > M cars allowed" can be use with FIGURE No. 403,404 and 405 , which talking the "except with permit"
"Except with permit" should use the same with FIGURE No. 132 if that's the case , Law is very strict to the wordings as well
Also , if there's the permit , it should well label on the bus/car instead .
原帖由 teddybus 於 2010-3-9 13:36 發表 
Calm down mate
Would it be because the Department only give permission to those ex-NWFB Darts over 10m, but not all franchised bus, so it choose not to set that roadsign "Except Franchised Buses ...
[ 本帖最後由 rlcw 於 2010-3-9 14:12 編輯 ] |
真係夠晒勁...我諗今次個新巴車長都凶多吉少........ |